Sunday, April 27, 2008



Moon Makeover in 3 months by Di Medley is now available from Just Done Productions Publishing for R150.

(normal price R175) 144 pages


In this natural health book Di Medley tells how determination to deal with the ageing process led to a holistic health programme centred on the digestive system, one that she could refer to on a daily basis.


Inspired to link her anti-ageing health programme thematically to the moon and its different phases, each with its particular energies, the author offers an informed and fun health programme – including:


a diet pyramid

a set of gentle exercises

artful ways of dealing with stress

natural weight loss

moon calendars

your moon journal


Di has set about updating and streamlining the original health programme by drawing upon her library, bearing in mind everyone is different, and what works for one does not necessarily work for all.

The basic recipe for the Moon Makeover programme is simple and one that can be adapted to suit individual needs.


The book is beautifully printed in a pocket book format and has illustrations by Hannatjie de Clercq


Most health books are daunting. They are too complicated and they go into far too much detail about how the body works and what could go wrong with it.

Which is why I generally avoid health books.

Then Di Medley sent me her book.

Not only is it a health book, it also focuses on the anti-ageing process: a potentially terrifying combination. Instead, it's a welcome surprise: an informative, encouraging, entertaining read. My first thought about it - I can do this. You can too.

Happy Moon Makeover.


A very sweet and easy read covering lifestyle management.

I love books where authors talk about their personal experience and the book is full of anecdotes and useful information for those starting on the road to self discovery, health management and anti-aging.

Take a very relaxed tour with Di as she moves easily through the process of developing a programme for optimizing your health.



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or for those who do not have internet access contact us
via fax 086 505 2478
or John 083 3888 290

The book will be available on Lulu for international clients at a later stage.



TURNAROUND by Ed Morrison has just been published. R160


'There is no force so evil that it will convince a sane person to kill best friends and family...or is there?


Joe Zeiler fought for his life.

Sam Haines fought to keep her sanity.

And together they fought for the love they had found and shared so that they could keep their faith in life.


This is the powerful story of two people brought together through the grace of a man who believed that good can conquer evil.'


Some excerpts to tantalize you….:


The head of the NIA tiredly raised his eyes and took a deep breath before he addressed the members of the Defence Council, ‘Gentlemen, after days of investigation and following every lead we received, I’m ashamed to admit that we haven’t really achieved anything. We are not one iota closer to solving the mystery of “Turnaround” or to locate the very elusive Joe Zeiler .’…




'Before I tell you anything, I want to know that my wife and kids are unharmed.'

The masked man turned his head towards Werner and the eyes that stared at him from the holes in the mask were as cold and lifeless as that of a snake. It seems like I haven't made my point clear enough for you to understand.' He rested one huge hand on the back of Werner's neck. He opened his hand which almost encircled Werner's neck. 'You'll tell me anything and everything I want to know.' While talking he kneaded and prodded the soft tissue until he obviously found the spot he was looking for, for he slowly tightened his already vice like grip. Werner was almost paralyzed with fear. Suddenly the man applied immense pressure and his calloused and blunt fingers bore into the tendons and muscle in Werner's neck. He could feel tearing and snapping and he tried to scream but no sound escaped his lips. On the verge of Werner loosing his consciousness, the man eased the pressure and omitted a shuddering sigh. He put his lips next to Werner's ear and whispered hoarsely, 'Imagine the terror of a woman and her kids.'

Werner still harboured thoughts of loyalty towards Joe but realising the man was a maniac and that he would do God only knows what to his family, he whispered 'Okay, what do you want from me?'

The man smiled triumphantly and simply said, 'Joe Zeiler.'


A former Colonel in the South African Defence Force, Ed Morrison has served his country for twenty two years. At the age of thirty nine he left the Force. He now lives in Centurion, South Africa. It has always been his passion to write and paint.

Price: R160

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via fax 086 505 2478
or John 083 3888 290

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Press Release: JAMBANJA- The life story of a Zimbabwean Farmer - ERIC HARRISON


JAMBANJA The true life story of a Zimbabwean farmer - by Eric Harrison has just been published.


He didn’t say a word as Whitehat stepped forward. “We are the new owners of Maioio Farm.” He said menacingly, as he pointed to the other three. “You have got 24 hours to get off ... now move it!”


Harry, a white Zimbabwean farmer, has fought to create a life out from under the shadow of war. From meagre beginnings he carves a successful citrus farm from the “dirt” of a newly-built settlement, only to have it ripped away in a series of vicious and shocking attacks. His family, friends and faith are sorely tested as he struggles to fight back “by the book.”


Eric Harrison was inspired to write Jambanja after realising how un­informed those outside Zimbabwe are about the intimidation policies implemented by the government of Zimbabwe in the name of Land Redistribution.


A true Zimbabwean, born in the heart of the country, the author grew up amongst many challenges. He lived and worked with the local population, developing enduring friendships, and learning and respecting their customs and cultures... He grew up immersed in the Rhodesian political arena in a tumultuous era in that country’s history. He had been a soldier in the Rhodesian forces, and ended the war as a Pilot in the Police Reserve Air-Wing. Eric Harrison has farmed in Zimbabwe for over 30 years.


Forced by “Jambanja” to leave their farm in South Eastern Zimbabwe, Eric and his wife Joan now live in Harare. They continue to fight for the restitution of their rights, dignity and self respect and those of the hundreds of thousands of Zimbabweans of all races who have lost everything.


The purpose of documenting this heart-searing reality is to give them all a voice:

In the year 2000, with the stroke of a pen, the President of Zimbabwe changed the Constitution, declaring, “the people of Zimbabwe have been unjustifiably dispossessed of their land.” In other words, that the land had been stolen and everything that had gone into developing the land – the years of work, sacrifice and involvement – counted for nothing. Shortly afterwards, he unleashed the war veterans onto commercial farms, unconstitutionally and illegally, forcing the farmers off the land.

This is a true story and like all such stories, the storyteller is a part of it too. It is my story, my life but I have told it from the outside. It is a complex and difficult situation in Zimbabwe and I had to take a step back from the intensity of it all to give you the fullest and fairest picture that I could, so you could make up your own mind about the justice or injustices done in the name of ‘land redistribution’.

There were over 4,500 commercial farmers, their workers plus families at the start of the land invasions.

4,500 stories – this is just one of them.

Eric “Harry” Harrison


PRICE:  R160


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or John 083 3888 290

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Just Done Productions – Publishing would like to announce the publication of

Just Now, Now Now by Jim Parker  R160


Just Now, Now Now is a wittily composed memoir of an ex-pat Englishman. The story begins by showing the contrasting life led in Pretoria as a senior diplomat after Apartheid and ends with his departure to a cane farm in Zululand.


Jim Parker wanted a second career in a country and among a people that hypnotised him on arrival as Britain's first post-Apartheid Defence Adviser in 1993. He chose a small farm outside Mooi River in the Natal Midlands, where he and his wife began a B&B and tour broking business that eventually enjoyed startling success. Over 8 years, the Parkers did their bit within the community as best they could, but the customs, language, upbringing and outlook were not their own.


Just Now, Now Now is an amusing exposure of how South Africans appear to the outside world. The Parkers' trials and exasperations are described with humour and candour. The gentle style used and the constantly self-effacing summary of their own efforts makes this book both charming and funny.


But don't be fooled. This story does not shy away from the realities of rural life. It carries a rich social commentary as its story of a middle-aged couple finding their way with farming and tourism, unfolds. The reader is not spared a view on the tensions that persist in South Africa. Despite these observations, one of the book's main virtues is the optimism that shines through as the Parkers depart southwards for their third career, exchanging Mooi River's bitter winters for Emoyeni's stifling sub-tropical humidity. Just Now, Now Now provides us with a welcome but rare chance to see, and laugh at ourselves as others do, without spite or jealousy.


The intertwined threads of Brits abroad, emergent South Africa and the survival of the adventurous spirit of the middle-aged leaves the reader with a factual and uncluttered message. The entrepreneurial instinct can win through anywhere, but in Africa, it is best characterised by humility and co-operation in the post-Mandela world. 


Jim Parker now farms cane and geraniums in Emoyeni - 'as hot as Hades'. His first novel, The Corrupt Affair, was released in December 2007 by Just Done Productions. The Order of Batting, his third novel will be published later this year.


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Just Done Productions - Publishing have just published

One Step Ahead - Brian Snow (Christian/Teen/Adventure) R120


The world is in total chaos, millions of people have disappeared!

Some say the aliens have abducted them, others think it might be the end of the world. The 'religious' insist it was the rapture!


Matthew & his friends have found themselves on the run, hiding from the agents of Oasis Central. At first, he wasn't quite sure why they wanted to capture him, but when he discovered the truth, he knew he had to avoid being captured at all costs. The lives of many innocent people depended on him staying 'one step ahead' of his adversary.


PLACE: Cape Town, South Africa

TIME: Sometime in the near future

PROBLEM: Food shortage
SOLUTION: The hidden formula

One Step Ahead is an exciting adventure staged in South Africa during the Seven years of Tribulation. This book can be enjoyed by both teenagers and adults.


"This book was written as a legacy for my grandchildren. The five main characters of this book are named after my grandsons; (from oldest to youngest), Kyle, Tyren, Dominick, Joshua & Matthew. It started out just as a fun book for them, but as I progressed, the book developed into an exciting adventure ..." Brian Snow


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Press Release: Poems by Sandra Barnard

Just Done Productions - Publishing have just published

Poems - Sandra Barnard - (Christian/Teen/Poetry) R75


Sandra Barnard started writing poems when she was 13 - some of them from real experiences and from her heart, some created by thoughts that entered her mind, some spiritually inspired....


The poems reflect the thoughts, dreams and emotions of the typical teenager who often feels that their parents or caregivers ' don't understand them or what they are going through!' as they grapple with issues of virginity, belief systems, drugs and broken hearts....


This anthology will resonate with teenagers. Parents may find it useful as a starting point for discussions on all the controversial and 'difficult' issues.


The poems are written in both Afrikaans and English.




" Linte van balletskoene

Wapper in die wind

Dis die aaklige, bekende stilte

Tussen ouer en kind..." Linte van Balletskoene


"You're the mystery behind my confusion

Of wondering if we're only an illusion

What I want the most is for us to just be together

And enjoy the moments together, lasting forever!..." In Love Again


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via fax 086 505 2478
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A Chopstix guide to Taiwan by Katy Roberts has just been published by Just Done Productions – Publishing.


“On stepping off the plane on my return back to South Africa after teaching English in Taiwan for 2 years, my brother handed me a padded envelope filled with every postcard, every email, and every letter I had ever sent home, with the instruction, “Put this in a book”.


What started out as a simple journal entry to convince myself that I am, in fact, sane for traveling across the far oceans to a place that was merely a picture in my Std 8 Atlas, a people and culture that I usually took two seconds (not one) to notice in the café, and to a language that I only associated with sub-standard kung fu movies and dodgy little smoky places they called “Chinese restaurants”, gradually grew to become two diaries, and then 5, and after putting all my thoughts down on paper and pulling it all together, it now displays itself as a 45 000 – 50 000 word journey about a young South African girl entering a country so vastly different from anything she previously called “normal”.


This is the kind of book that I was desperately seeking to find before leaving for the East in the first place. There is only so much that a travel guide can prepare one for – it’s the personal touches of the culture and the stories of actual experiences that provide a human face behind the customs and cultures described in day-to-day travel guides.

I consider my book to be more of a personal-diary-meet-cultural-companion-but-not-quite-a-travel-guide kind of piece. It’s an introduction to the Taiwanese culture but with a personal flair.


A ChopstiX guide to Taiwan is aimed at people experiencing any new country or culture for the first time. Because it serves as a light read (you could read a chapter per night – as each chapter serves as a little experience on its own or you could finish the whole thing in one gulp and not feel that you’ve overeaten) – it is not only restricted to the Far East, but aims to equip any traveler, venturing into the unknown, with a few little hints and giggles at what they could expect from a different culture. It’s an invitation to laugh at me and the situations I found myself in, and when they experience a similar one, they know that they’re not isolated in their experience. I would have loved to have known that before I ventured over. “ Katy Roberts


This 248 page book contains 14 pages of colour photographs and one-page Fast Facts which provide information ranging from the Food, Religion, Superstitions and Taboos, Festivals and History to Language.


Price: Black and white: R170   Full colour: R270


About the Author:

Eating sheep testicles is something Katherine Roberts hopes never to go through again, but it did contribute to some one of the many more interesting experiences she has had as a world traveler, many of which she shares in this book. No stranger to exploring continents, Katy was born in France, grew up in South Africa, and has actually been to Oman, among some other off-the-beaten-track places. At school she learnt to play the piano, which was pretty cool because when she got to Taiwan as an English Teacher, she joined a jazz band, that never actually paid her a cent, but did help her explore the darker side of Taiwanese nightclubs. She currently works in Stellenbosch, saving up to feed her travel habit. Clifford Roberts


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The Life and Times of Wodgit Village – Michael Cox has just been published by Just Done Productions – Publishing


The Life and Times of Wodgit Village Michael Cox          
(discounted from R140)  60 pages





(Unsuitable For Adults Younger Than Eighteen Or Oddities)

Parental Guidance Available On Request


A Non-Subtle Tongue-In-Cheek Philosophical Look At Our Complex Social Structural Changes


Inspired by the Writings of:



thank dog for abnormality!


Everything the average abnormal person thinks about, but does not talk about in our “politically correct world”


An excerpt to tantalize you:

The “Wodgit Out” Kareoki Night –Episod 7

“The night was set. The Wodgits had been craptising their gurgling for the Monfrigly Kareoki championskops. Skills were limited, but glimmits were freely displayed. Dodger Wodgit, the man with the golden voice strutted his pict, in preparation for the championskop. A conducive winner over the last six Monfrigs, he was the fabulous contender. Stretching his limbards with great coquetry he displayed his cocal vords.

Traversing the tiscales like a professional “Karia Merry” in full concert, he glissed his voice in such a way, that even the famos “Hitney Whouston” would have been proud.

Even “Polly Darton” with the great anchors or the famous Raverpotti would have appreciated his vocal constabulary. The Wodgits, blessed with ignoramity had only read and cogitated these entities from newspapers they wrapped their traditional Tinned Smoked Salmon in.

The Kareoki was on. Testcondants where multuspliferous, everybody had a chance of winning the Top Prize, which was a front row seat for the show after the Great Prize Giving, and a free trip to Bradford. After great discussion, amongst the judges, and good heated jeering from the crowd, the top ten testcondants were winners announced. Once more Dodger Wodgit received the Great Prize as an easy winner….”


Readers comments: "I read the Wodgit Village and nearly wet my pants a few times.. I think it is brilliant."


“ It is utterly delightful and hilarious – a book to read and re-read and a good test of your general knowledge

and language ability”


Born in the United Kingdom, Michael qualified as a Psychiatric Nurse, a post-graduate State Registered Nurse and attained a Diploma in Tropical Nursing in four and a half years. His hobbies were music, writing poetry and short stories.

He moved to the Africa where he has spent the majority of his life as a Southern African resident, working as a professional musician and cabaret artiste in sub Saharan Africa for fifteen years.

Later as an Educational Computer Consultant, he became an integral member of a team who developed the first Outcomes Based Educational software in all eleven official languages for South Africa.

Moving from South Africa, to Swaziland he became a restaurateur, later returning to the UK for a short sabbatical to upgrade his nursing qualifications and attain a Diploma in Hypnotherapy. Then, as a famous writer once said, ‘Once you have tasted the waters of the Great Zambezi River you will always return.’ Michael returned to Africa.

His varied interest in psychology, positivism, human and global cultural development excited his interest in Africa’s possible global outcomes for the second millennium.


The sequel to Wodgit Village will be published by Just Done later this year.

The Hydra Conspiracy, a thriller - by the same author, will be also be published by Just Done in the near future.


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via fax 086 505 2478
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