Tuesday, November 18, 2008

[JDPUB: /] MORE NEW BOOKS AVAILABLE: Here comes the Alabama, Where are we going?, Verses from the Heart, The Red Scarf- 50 Years of 1st Hillcrest Scouting


The history of the Confederate raider, CSS Alabama, its involvement with South Africa and the Cape Malay community, who created the song "Daar kom die Alabama" around the ship and its exploits in our southern waters during the American Civil War.

            • Author: Edna and Frank Bradlow
            • Binding: Section-sewn
            • Cover Type: Hard Cover
            • ISBN 13: 978-0620358-47-7
            • Size: slightly smaller than A4
            • Pages: 162
            • Illustrations: colour and b/w photographs and illustrations throughout
            • Price: R200


WHERE ARE WE GOING: The Great Flamingo Trek by Robyn Forster

"Where are we going?" is the story of an amazing march by 30000 flamingo chicks from one salt water lake which dries up in the dry season to another to find water in order to survive.

As the chicks are too young to fly they have to march sometimes as far as 30 kilometres away, guided by the adult birds on their epic journey.

On the way they encounter various predators and other animals.

            • Author: Robyn Forster
            • Binding: Perfect Bound
            • Colour pages: Colour Throughout
            • ISBN 13: 978-0-620-399-00-5
            • Size: A5+
            • Price: R120



VERSES FROM THE HEART by Elizabeth Grenfell

A book of Christian poetry about love, memories, comfort, worship, faith and friendship.

Poems to share with a friend or someone you love.

Elizabeth Grenfell was born in Botswana, educated in Bulawayo, Rhodesia (as it was known then), and moved to Durban, South Africa, in 1959 with her husband and two sons. Elizabeth only started writing poetry in the nineties. She is strongly influenced in her writings by the Word of God and her experiences in life. A number of her poems are dedicated to her late sisters

            • Binding: Perfect Bound
            • Cover Type: Paperback
            • ISBN 13: 978-1-920315-18-4
            • Lulu ID: 4693259
            • Number of Pages: 66
            • Publication Date: 30 October 2008
            • Size: A5 
            •  PRICE: R75


THE RED SCARF 50 Years of 1st Hillcrest Scouting by STEVE CAMP AND BRIAN THOMAS

It was in 1958 with eight Cubs that saw the humble beginnings of the 1st Hillcrest Scouts. During those early years, Cub and Scout meetings were held at the Highway MOTH Hall in Hillcrest.

In 1961 1st Hillcrest secured their own premises in Shortlands Avenue, from where they continue to operate. As the Hillcrest Village grew over the next two decades so did the 1st Hillcrest Scout Group, reaching its highest numbers of 175 Cubs and Scouts with 25 uniformed adult leaders in the 1980s.

To date 1st Hillcrest has produced 73 Springbok Scouts. A number of those Scouts have been privileged to attend World Jamborees, representing the Hillcrest community on a global scale. This local Scout Group has served the Hillcrest community well over the years in developing many of its youth into responsible young adults.

The Red Scarf is a collection of interesting stories and photographs tracking the history over the last 50 years of these illustrious 1st Hillcrest Cubs and Scouts.

This book is a magnificent tribute to the 50 years of the 1st Hillcrest Scouts with numerous photos, many in colour.

  • Author: Brian Thomas and Steve Camp
  • Binding: PUR Perfect
  • Colour pages: 41
  • Cover Type: Paperback
  • Illustrations/Photos: Colour and B&W Photos throughout
  • ISBN 13: 978-0-620-42056-3
  • Lulu ID: 4474638
  • Number of Pages: 124
  • Publication Date: 28 October 2008
  • Size: A4
  • PRICE: R199

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008



Two entirely different books by Charles G Dyer - ABATWA and AED’s JOURNEY have been published and are on sale at special Christmas rates from Just Done Productions - Publishing


    ABATWA R90

The word ‘Abatwa’ seems to stem from the Zulu word used mainly in a derogatory way to describe the Bushmen or San people. It appears that the root of this word is actually Batwa, which may also refer to Pygmies.


The Abatwa are Southern African people. They are, in most respects, perfect miniature replicas of humans. A clan oriented species that are said to coexist with the ants. Some reports state that they have been seen riding ants.


As an elusive and very shy species, they remain hidden from most adult human eyes. Only very young children, magicians and pregnant women have ever seen them.....


Tola and his wife Noti are riding ants to escort a group of youngsters to another nest to look for suitable marriage partners. In a journey filled with danger and death, he entertains the youths with folk tales.


The exchange goes well but tragedy strikes. Caught in a stampede of antelope, several party members are killed. Some of the survivors try to console each other by swapping folk tales and tribal philosophies.



Tola mused over these facts and wondered how many people hid their evil by keeping their mouths shut. If he thought about it, he could remember times when he felt jealous but did not say anything. Because he had kept his silence, none of the other clan members had been aware of the evil spirits within him. He had appealed to the good spirits of his ancestors to drive the evil away and they had obliged him. What if the spirits had ignored him? He shuddered to think of how the healer might have dealt with him.


The storyteller shuffled over to Tola and called him aside. “Tola I’ve been watching you for some time now. You are always asking questions. Many of your challenges are quite taxing to me. I’m an old man now and have yet to find a suitable replacement. I think that you have all the makings of a good storyteller. Would you like to study under me?”

Tola was stunned by the request. It was such an honour that his ancestors would forever be proud of him. He was speechless and stood gaping for a while before     coming to his senses. “Do you really mean that Moya? Do you think that I could tell stories as well as you?”

The old man smiled. “Maybe not as well as me but well enough. In time you will improve and the Spirits will help you...Pain and suffering work in strange ways to make us more complete people. Age and experience is the nectar of the storyteller. It is seldom that a young person will make a good storyteller. You are no longer young and you have experienced battles and tragedies.”

Placing his hand on Tola’s shoulder, Moya went on. “You also have an enquiring mind and I believe that you are a good listener. You can draw on your sorrow to put feeling into your stories. Storytelling is as much about listening and telling. If you listen well and remember then you will be able to recall that story for telling at some time in the future.”


FictionFantasy, A5, 105 pages, paperback contains a glossary and a few b/w illustrations


    AED'S JOURNEY   R120


    She had everything a girl could want until the envy of her neighbours stole it all away. They accused her of witchcraft and but for the aid of a friend, she would have died at their hands. Fate had other plans for her.


   After she made good her escape, she discovered that she was indeed gifted with powers of sorcery…Awesome powers that would lead her on an extraordinary journey. A journey of life peppered with love and betrayal, fear and horror, abduction and revenge, sacrifice and death.




“I am called Aed ma Uar Mistress.” She managed to say without hesitation. Aed was the word for fire in the Old Tongue and Uar meant cold. Most families added the “ma” before the name and she thought it had a nice ring to it. Then it occurred to her that Uar also meant cruel but it was too late to retract what had been said.

“An unusual name to be sure. No matter Aed, just call me Cori. Come along girl.” Cori took her hand to pull her towards the kitchen. Nodding her head politely, Erin smiled at the innkeeper.

“Thank you Mister ma Tair.” He acknowledged her gratitude with a dismissive wave and a smile. The warm kitchen was as clean and neat as the common room. Copper pots and cauldrons, suspended on hooks or chains, gleamed from one end of the room to the other.

The smells of porridge and frying bacon, freshly baked bread and wood smoke filled the air.


Elated with her results, Aed packed the nosebag away and tugged at the reins with renewed vitality. A mile up the slope the trees thinned enough for Aed to see her destination. A ruined castle stood on the crest of a small hill some two hundred paces from the tree line.


Most of the outer walls had crumbled with age or been destroyed during some long forgotten siege. The keep was still intact and stood starkly silhouetted against the pink glow of the setting sun on the snowy peaks beyond. The twin furrows of the trail led straight up the side of the hill to disappear into the rubble.

Tethering Smoky to a tree, she patted the horse. “Wish me luck girl. I need as much as I can get. By Brigit, I’ll pray that your shield protects you from the wolves, as I pray that mine hides me from this cur.” She ran as well as she could towards the ruins.


Crouching in the shadows of the rubble that had once been a portcullis, she studied the ground. A slight breeze was accompanied by sporadic gusts that kicked up puffy clouds of fresh snow. She pulled her grey cloak tightly around her and huddled against a pile of weathered dressed stone.

FICTION: Fantasy, A5, 536 pages, paperback contains glossary and map

Charles Dyer’s interests are many and varied, ranging from computer programming and graphics, reading and writing to gardening, woodwork, photography, science, nature, animals, making things as diverse as furniture and miniature musical instruments. He started out as a bank clerk, did military service in South West Africa and Angola, changed to Civil Engineering in which he has both contracting and consulting experience. He now runs his own consulting firm.

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Monday, November 10, 2008

[JDPUB: 92] NEW BOOK: Operation Miracle by Prop Geldenhuys, Bob Manser and John McKenzie

Operation Miracle – a tribute to three bold Airmen by Prop Geldenhuys, Bob Manser and John McKenzie has been published and is available from Just Done Productions – Publishing for R180


Operation Miracle – 21 September to 6 October 1979. This Operation will be remembered for the loss of Brian Gordon and his Hunter and the shooting down of Canberra crews Kevin Peinke and JJ Strydom. The Rhodesian Army lost Gert O’Neil and Ted Mann. Eleven enemy were accounted for, despite the heavy involvement by the Selous Scouts and Rhodesian Light Infantry


“Much has been written about the Afro-Rhodesian conflict. Armed aggression continued to escalate, especially with Portugal’s withdrawal from Africa. It peaked in the latter half of 1979 – just as the participants to the Lancaster House were gathering in London. Both sides of the armed conflict were pulling out all the stops to gain political leverage at the constitutional talks.


This then is the story about the total loss of a Hawker Hunter fighter ground attack aircraft, and a Canberra bomber, both on the same day, the 3rd October 1979. Even more tragically, the loss of the aircrew was the worst experienced by the Air Force in its entire history. When the new Government came to power, they made no effort to recover the bodies of our fallen colleagues. But, nearly twenty-eight years later former airman Bob Manser miraculously found both the crash sites. The finding was flashed across the globe by Eddy Norris and his ORAFs network.


This all happened between July and November 2007. Congratulatory messages flooded in from all over the world – bringing forth mixed emotions. John McKenzie set about making the Operation Miracle Memorial, while Prop Geldenhuys compiled the commemorative booklet. In doing so, the writer has been reduced to tears and fits of anger occasionally.”



“What is it that makes Op Miracle so unique? It was certainly not the first time that the Rhodesian Forces had carried out bold attacks on the enemy, beyond their borders. Nor was it significant in the size of the air or ground effort employed by them. But it was a time when the emphasis was moving inexorably from a bush conflict into a war with sophisticated weapons and technology. The advantage of air superiority, long enjoyed by the Rhodesian Air Force was slipping away.

The crews flying on air operations were well aware that the risks, particularly on cross-border missions, were becoming very high. Negotiations for a political settlement were underway. Only six short months after Op Miracle, a new government would take over the country.

Many Rhodesians had already left their homeland even as it became obvious that the war was drawing to a weary end. The combatants were mentally and physically exhausted and were clamouring for peace.

It was at this time of change that Op Miracle demanded one last, big effort from the Air Force. This was given as always, with courage and determination.

These are the qualities that we now seek to honour and remember after all the years.

Op Miracle symbolises all that was courageous and audacious in the fighting men and women of Rhodesia. It is a tribute to those that made the ultimate sacrifice.” Tol Janeke

  • Binding: Perfect
  • Cover Type: Paperback
  • Illustrations/Photos: Colour and B&W Photos throughout
  • ISBN 13: 978-1-920315-11-5
  • Number of Pages: 163
  • Publication Date: 28 October 2008
  • Size: A5

To order ( NB NEW ADDRESS): http://www.justdone.co.za/shop/

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If you need it Done - Its Just Done
Shirene Dovey Just Done Productions cc
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[JDPUB: 91] NEW BOOKS: The Route to Prester John and The Rape of Tawantinsuyo by Ed Tilston

THE ROUTE TO PRESTER JOHN and The Rape of Tawantinsuyo by Ed Tilston have just been published by Just Done Productions Publishing 



It’s the middle of the fifteenth century. A flat earth has become round and the new ability to establish latitude at sea persuades a few intrepid mariners to venture ever farther into unknown waters. The fearful cape at Bojador has been conquered, opening the way for the great age of exploration. Impatient to find a route to the Spice Islands and join forces with Prester John, Prince Henry the Navigator sends one little ship after another to explore the uncharted West Coast of Africa.


Carlos Melo embarks on the Mariagalante as second mate and puts to sea to carry out Prince Henry’s commands. Explore the African coast with him, meet alien peoples, witness bizarre customs, and trade for gold. Join him in his battle with mutineers, his odyssey in the open ocean in a longboat, his contest with Berber pirates.


As a sequel to his previous seafaring novels BOJADOR and PINZON, Ed Tilston has written another salty tale to stir your imagination and take you on a fascinating voyage of discovery with the early mariners.

Enjoy the journey!

  • Size: A5
  • Publication Date: 30 October 2008
  • Number of Pages: 188
  • Lulu ID: 4692947
  • ISBN 13: 978-1-920315-20-7
  • Cover Type: Paperback
  • Binding: Perfect Bound

The Rape of Tawantinsuyo    R140

Captain Alonso Pinzon arrives in Hispaniola in 1530, in time to see ships calling there homeward bound from Mexico laden with fantastic treasure. He learns of an even richer land, an Eldorado, far to the south on the shores of the newly discovered Pacific Ocean.

Disgusted with the brutal treatment of the local Indians in the islands by the Spaniards he decides to join the expedition led by Francisco Pizarro. Crossing the Isthmus of Panama, he assumes command of the Vencedor and, with two other caravels laden with men, horses, and materiel, sails in convoy to the south. On arrival in Tawantinsuyo, he marches with the expedition through the coastal desert and across the soaring ramparts of the Andes to Cajamarca where he witnesses the bloody massacre of over 4000 unarmed Indians and the capture of Inca Atahualpa.

The continuing brutality of his fellow Spaniards forces him to leave the expedition, find a ship and return to Panama. En route he joins forces with Francisco de Orellana and labors over the Andes again to search for the “Land of Cinnamon.” Descending the eastern slopes of the cordillera, he enters the tropical jungle and reaches the headwaters of the Amazon, where he builds a primitive sailing ship and sails 4000 miles down the river to its delta.

Travel with Alonso in his primitive brigantine downriver where he is attacked by Amazon women, meets with tribes of head-hunters, witnesses strange practices, encounters mysterious plants and animals... Eight months after entering the river Alonso reaches the Atlantic and sails north back to the Caribbean and a voyage home.

Alternating chapter by chapter with Alonso’s story is the tale of Manco, an Inca noble.

  • Cover Type: Paperback
  • ISBN 13: 978-1-920315-19-1
  • Lulu ID: 4508206
  • Number of Pages: 258
  • Publication Date: 16 October 2008
  • Size: A5

G. Edwin Tilston was born and educated in England. He served as pilot in the RAF and RN. He acted as agent for ships in the deep-sea and coastwise trades in Brazil, Peru (where he also served as honorary British Consul), Trinidad, New Orleans and New York. An American citizen, he now lives with his wife, Elizabeth Ellen Churchill, in the beautiful North Carolina Mountains.


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You may pay via EFT or bank deposit. Alternatively contact publish@justdone.co.za or 086 505 2478 (fax)


If you need it Done - Its Just Done
Shirene Dovey Just Done Productions cc
P.O. Box 23
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Monday, November 03, 2008


TO THE BUSH AND BACK by Nico van der Walt R175 is now available from Just Done
A story about the last phase of the South African Border War as experienced by a junior officer of 32-Battalion


There was a time when the world was still embroiled in the Cold War and when the communist threat was a reality for many South Africans.  That was a time when the phrase “going-to-the-bush” had a meaning of its own and when many a South African conscript was obliged to do his “tour” on the Namibian border.  This book tells the story about the bush; the war as well as the people.  It gives a personal account about a young man who reported for military service with the South African Defence Force in the late 1980’s and takes the reader on a tour de force from Basic- and Officers Training all the way to the bush of Namibia and Angola during the last battles of the Border War – including the so-called battle of Cuito Cuanavale.  It also details the rigorous training; life in the Caprivi, as well as the constant operational deployments.  Furthermore, the book describes the events directly after the war and relates the history of a legendary unit and its people at the time. 


 A-5 Format; 208 pages; Over 50 Colour photographs. This book is also available in Afrikaans on our site - Bos Toe!




Nico van der Walt has been running his own business for over a decade.  In addition to numerous qualifications in business, he also has a degree in Social Anthropology.  At the time of publication of this book, he was also vice-chairman of the 32-Battalion Veterans Association.



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If you need it Done - Its Just Done
Shirene Dovey Just Done Productions cc
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