Friday, May 11, 2012



SELLING YOURSELF AS A WAY OF LIFE Second edition - by John Beyers McDermott has been published by Just Done R110



Having the ability to sell oneself is of vital importance, especially in today’s tough times. The ‘pie’ has shrunk, but more and more individuals are striving to earn a slice; universities and colleges churn out graduates, but job-candidates consistently outnumber positions vacant; would-be entrepreneurs are flocking to the cities, but few are adequately equipped with the life-skills required to succeed and prosper.


What’s needed is an edge over one’s competitors, be it in a job interview or vying with the sales reps of rival companies or creating a market share for one’s own start-up business. This book reveals how to acquire that advantage and the formula is laid out in straightforward, easy to follow steps born of the author’s own experience that spans almost half a century.


To be a winner in any vocation or activity demands understanding the fundamental principles of human interaction - The Game Of Life – and putting these into practice with perfection. For a new initiate or someone already in the game but was never taught how to play, or a veteran who’s forgotten the rules and needs a pick-me-up to get back on the field, the wisdom contained in the pages of this book will be of great and lasting value.

“I set out to write this book in a manner that is straightforward, while the advice I give is based on logic and commonsense. These attributes combine to make Selling Yourself as a Way of Life easy to read, absorb and – most importantly of all – easy to apply on an ongoing, daily basis. Its vision is to transform you into the Perfect Salesperson through a spectrum of teachings that, in broad strokes, covers:


You and yourself – the image you project, as well as your self-image

Selling yourself – the ideal ways to deal with potential/existing clients

How to sell – a host of visionary ideas for you to put into practice

Practical tools – from compiling a C.V. to preparing a strategic plan

Lifetime value – the pitfalls of being overambitious and egotistical

The Perfect Salesperson – a summary of what it takes

Case studies – be inspired by the author’s own experiences

Success Principles – a daily checklist of what to do and not do …” John Beyers McDermott


SELLING YOURSELF AS A WAY OF LIFE is the key to unlocking your full potential and the roadmap to the destination you seek - guaranteed success!    THE COMPLETE PACKAGE!

·         Binding                     Perfect Bound

·         Cover Type              Paperback

·         ISBN 13                      978-1920315-81-8

·         Number of Pages 148

·         Publication Date   April 2012

·         Size                             A5


To order

You may pay via credit card using Paypal. EFT is referred to as BANK WIRE on the site.


International Orders on Lulu or on the Just Done website



Shirene Dovey

Just Done Productions