Saturday, December 16, 2006

[Press Release] Fantasy Industry: Perceptions of the South African Special Forces in the Media

Just Done Publishing

Just Done Productions is proud to announce the release of our latest title. This small book is an edited version of a dissertation done as partial fulfillment for the a degree in journalism. It has been edited and formatted for publication. This book examines the media perceptions of the South African Special forces and points out the pitfalls and lack of knowledge that most reporting on the topic exhibits. The author sets the record straight and has some advice for anyone who wishes to report on Special Forces (and supposed Special Forces) related activity.

Fantasy Industry: Perceptions of the South African Special Forces in the Media R75.00
Fantasy Industry: Perceptions of the South African Special Forces in the Media

An examination of perceptions of the South African Special Forces (Recces) in the media.

Author Lance Branquinho
Cover Type Paperback
ISBN-10 1-920169-30-X
ISBN-13 978-1-920169-30-5
No of Pages 32
Size A5
Publication Date 15 December 2006
Lulu ID 581188

Lance Branquinho is an online editor for Media 24 and an avid amateur photographer who vexingly has an intolerable interest in military affairs.

He was born in Windhoek, raised in Cape Town and educated at Stellenbosch University. Despite his name and surname he is a coarse Afrikaans speaker.

Whilst in the throes of obtaining a Bphil from the University of Stellenbosch post graduate journalism school during 2003, he became increasingly interested in military strategy and media perception, especially on the eve of the Iraq invasion.

This subsequently prompted him to delve into the history of South Africa’s Special Forces and their relationship with the local media.

Lance lives in Cape Town and enjoys disappearing up the West Coast to surf, photograph and forget things.

Just Done Productions - Publishing Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.
Just Done Productions cc
Cell: 083-3888290
Fax/Tel: 031-7673654 Just Done Productions Website Just Done Productions books on

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Website Update

Just Done Publishing 

Dear John,
This is just a short note to tell you that we have changed our shopping platform. We have moved across to osCommerce. The reason for this is that it provides a user experience a lot more familiar to most web users, and it adds a number of features that make the site more friendly, these include things such as

  • Top Sellers
  • Reviews
  • Also bought
  • Specials
The site will now present you with all the new additions when you land on the home page (at On the left hand side of the page, you can browse by category, select an author  or perform a search on keywords anywhere in the title or description. What's New items are also displayed here. On the right you will see a constantly updated shopping basket, specials, top 10 bestsellers and reviews.

For those of you who have registered on the old system, you might have to re-register. I recommend that you try the option Password forgotten first to see whether I have moved your info across from the old system, otherwise, simply register again. I will move the old order information across sometime in the future so that your old orders are reflected in the new system That is something else that is nice about the new platform: it allows you to review past orders.

Please visit the site and browse around. Any feedback would be appreciated. Try the posters option as you can now order posters from us.

This system will also allow us to incorporate a credit card gateway, which we are planning on for the first half of next year.

Thank you for your time, and We wish you a very blessed Christmas and New Year.

John Dovey

Just Done Productions - Publishing Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.
Just Done Productions cc
Cell: 083-3888290
Fax/Tel: 031-7673654 Just Done Productions Website Just Done Productions books on

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Just Done Productions - News Letter December 2006

Just Done Publishing 

Dear John,

We have been busy here at Just Done Productions and would like to share with you some of the results of our labour and some of our news. Firstly, please note that we will be closed from the 18th December 2006, till the 1st January 2007. This means that you will be able to place orders, but they will only be processed once we return. If you want to get your books in time for Christmas, then you need to order them now so that we can try our best to get them printed and in the post before the 18th.

The posters have been progressing well. You will have noticed that it is possible to add posters to your order already, although they are not carried through to the checkout. This will be implemented within the next few days. In the mean-time, you can add these to your shopping cart, and when the checkout is ready, we will let you know and you can then simply check these out. We have decided on a price of R36.00 each for the posters, and will charge R36.00 for postage and packaging. This amount applies for each order of 20 that you place, so from 1 - 20 the postage is R36.00, from 21-40 is R72.00 etc. Unfortunately posters are only available to South African clients. We are still investigating the possibility of making them available to overseas clients.

We have quietly made a whole slew of books available in the last month and haven't announced them. Please take some time to take a look at the various books that we now have available. Just click on the thumbnail image of the book cover to go directly to the information about the book you are interested in.

Peter Chapman

A Cook's Tour

South African Army Service Corps 1978 - 1980

A Cook's Tour is the Memoirs of a conscripted National Serviceman, who served in the South African Army Service Corps between 1978 and 1980, including a year in South West Africa (now Namibia). He volunteered to join the Medics and was told that there were too many people on the course and was sent willy-nilly to become a chef. This story of his basic training and his deployment to the border (as well as his subsequent camps with the SA Irish Regiment as an infantryman) is a refreshingly "everyman" tale. The story of a normal man doing what he was compelled to do, and doing it with a willingness and good spirit that was probably more the norm than the now current concept of the "Unpopular War" might lead people to believe. This is a story that should resonate with the vast majority of those young white men who were called up to do their National Service, and did so with the attitude that they "might as well make the best of it". It is also a very good read.

Paperback, 131 Pages, A5
Price: R75.00


In All Weather

Memoirs of the Ground-Crew - 2 Squadron, South African Air Force

Korea 1950 - 1953

No. 2 Squadron, South African Air Force served in Korea from late 1950 until late 1953. During that time they saw extensive active service, and were considered a valuable member of the United States Air Forces 18th Fighter Bomber Wing, to which unit they were attached. A number of books and articles have been written about the Squadron and its exploits in Korea, but almost all of these have been from the point of view of the pilots, and operations flown. This book is an attempt to redress that balance. It is the story of some of the men who served so faithfully, and without reward or renown, to see that the aircraft flew, and that the pilots returned safely to base whenever possible. This is the story of the ground crew. A brief history of events leading up to the war, and the war itself, are included, as well as an account of No.2 Squadrons exploits in Korea.

This book originated from the Author's discussions with his father who's story is included  in the book. What is remarkable is that both father and son served South Africa in  "unsung" roles, although the author has pointed out that his son is breaking the tradition and is joining the New Zealand Army next year as an infantryman. The stories of each of these men in this book are related through the author's obvious sympathy and understanding, and are told simply and yet the quiet emotion and dedication of these men shines through. Another remarkable book of ordinary men placed into extraordinary circumstances.

Paperback, 172 Pages, A5
Price: R95.00


About the Author

Peter Chapman is now a New Zealander, with a passionate interest in First World War Aviation. He is a member of a number of organisations, including the League of World War One Aviation Historians (USA), Cross and Cockade International (UK) and the Australian Society of World War One Aero Historians in Australia, for whom he edits an annual journal.

Like most young South African men of his generation, he was required to serve two years of National Service in the South African Defence Force. He believes that his service was unremarkable, but because it was undertaken at a time when South Africa at war, his story contributes to the understanding of the times.

Peter says that the account of his service documented in "A Cooks Tour" was done mostly for the benefit of his sons and future grand-children, but he feels that the story of his year on the SWA/Namibia - Angola border is of general interest to anyone interested in those times.

Peter lives in Auckland with his Wife and their three sons.

Both of Peter's books have been published previously by him, but these versions have been re-edited and formatted by Just Done Productions and made available in South Africa. International purchases of the books may be done via the Lulu site, which is linked to from the book detail page on the Just Done Website.


Just Done is very happy to bring you a growing number of fiction titles. These are mostly South African or Rhodesian (Zimbabwean) stories. We have four that we have released, with another three that are in production at the moment.

Landsong by Geraint Jones

In Africa things don't always go according to plan.

Set in an era of political turmoil and change, the story that weaves itself around Jairos Mapfumo's life is one of promise, courage and dignity. A gifted boy is discovered by a schoolteacher and a priest who groom him for success; but fate has different plans. A small tragedy in his home village and a flurry in the winds of change sweeping Africa conspires to rob Jairos of his brilliant future. This story follows the fortunes of a talented young man as he is challenged by the maelstrom events of the end of the colonial era.

Landsong is a uniquely African story that gifts the reader with imagery and insights, carefully and sensitively crafted by a writer whose love of Africa radiates from every page.

Landsong is being considered by The Welsh Academy for their 2007 Welsh Book of the Year competition.

Paperback, 319 Pages, A5
Price: R114.00

I am a Willow - Sally Fletcher

I am a Willow is a story of Jessica Batting, an ordinary, middle class wife caught up in the confusion of government corruption. Her life begins to unravel when husband Michael Batting happens across irregular government transactions. His refusal to relinquish the evidence is primarily to protect himself from a rising tide of hostility and is destined to destroy him personally and professionally. Against this backdrop Jessica battles with the issues of their life unravelling. She seeks truth and honesty in her husbands business ethics and in the overlapping boundaries of love and friendship.

She holds herself and her children together against the demonic battle against the pretence to which she had come to know as her reality. Events unfold to purge the mysteries of her own past, to bring her face to face with the life and death. It tells of an ideology that failed her, a triumph over rejection, suspicion and fear.

I am a Willow is a chronicle of Jessica’s life. It is her story.

Paperback, 280 Pages, A5
Price: R114.00


Jim Zulu - Willem Steenkamp

"Jim Zulu" was inspired by the only recorded case of lynching in South African history, and is set in the diamond-rush days in the Northern Cape Colony towards the end of the 19th Century. It is a story as old as the old South Africa and as new as the new South Africa. Set in the trackless hinterland of the Northern Cape, a world of dust and heat - and uncountable riches - it tells of strong men battling for power, women and the most wonderful diamonds in the world, of love and hatred, of blind racial prejudice and stubborn adherence to the principles of justice. Its cast of characters are men and women of all races and creeds, from every level of society. For many the diamond diggings mean a new life and a new name ... and, perhaps, wealth beyond their imaginings.


This Promised Land - Wendy Wright

Some called it the Promised Land – a Garden of Eden in the sunshine and open spaces of big game country, where a prosperous lifestyle was taken for granted. But the undeniable truth was that Rhodesia’s privileged lifestyle was not available to all. Prejudice and misunderstanding lurked beneath the idyllic surface and, inevitably, Cecil Rhodes’s own small piece of Empire was dragged into a bitter war from which it emerged as Zimbabwe.

Surrounded by her parents’ staunch support of Ian Smith’s government, Tessa Harmand’s childhood is remote from the injustice and the first whisperings of the guerrilla war. With no concern for the complicated affairs of adults, she lives only to indulge her passion for riding ponies in between school hours. The crisis developing from the stalemate negotiations between the Rhodesian Front and the British Government are of little importance to her as she learns to master the skills of equitation with the aid of her friend and mentor Gill Owen.

But the intensifying war eventually threatens to undermine the comfortable naivety of her world - classmates’ farms are attacked by infiltrating forces, compulsory conscription eventually catches up with her own family, close acquaintances are injured or killed in action. In class, the children are taught weapon recognition and bomb drill procedures, while petrol rationing and commodity shortages become an inescapable part of life. Friends soon begin to vanish via the departure lounge or the border post with South Africa.

Tessa’s patriotism for Rhodesia begins to wear thin as the cruel war erodes the country’s manpower and resources. She begins to question her parents’ conservative views as the inevitable end of white rule approaches.

When Robert Mugabe’s ZANU-PF party claims an overwhelming victory in the 1980 elections, Tessa is caught up by the new government’s promise of reconciliation and, in spite of the gloomy predictions of Zimbabwe’s downfall, she is certain that her country can become the new Promised Land in Africa. But her positive outlook and her acceptance of majority rule under Robert Mugabe are unexpected and shocking to her parents. The close-knit Harmand family finds itself torn between the bitterness of a generation that fears it has lost everything it has striven to achieve and the apparently insensitive optimism of youth. The inheritance of an estate in England is the trigger that prompts Bob and Sheila Harmand to make immediate plans for emigration.

Their younger daughter, Rosie, faces her new life with interest; in her eyes it is a long awaited opportunity to catch up with fashion and music, to break out of the insular community Rhodesia’s isolation had created. Tessa only sees what she will lose – her home, her beloved horses and Nathan Owen - Gill’s cousin – whom Tessa has come to love. Devastated, eighteen years old and beginning to tread the first avenues of her own independence, she makes the decision to remain behind in the potentially volatile new state.

Zimbabwe is currently plagued by a deep economic crisis and by the combined threats of AIDS, famine and political instability, but Tessa’s story illustrates that once both blacks and whites were hopeful about their future together.

This is an exceptionally well written coming of age novel that gives a wonderful sense of the time and place as well as the politics of Rhodesia, without allowing it to interfere with the story. The Story is about Tess's life and how she comes to age during the transition period from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe. - Proof Reader's Comment

Paperback, 386 Pages, A5
Price: R125.00

Forthcoming Fiction


Just Done has decided to collaborate with a few other authors/publishers to bring you books that we think are of particular value. So far the ones we have available for sale are:

Interlude in Switzerland By Paul  Schamberger 
The story of the South African refugee-soldiers in the Alps during the Second World War. This book is beautifully laid out and illustrated with photos, diagrams and cartoons from the evades newspaper which they produced while waiting for the war to end.

Paperback, 142 Pages, A4
Price: R100.00 (Postage and Packaging is free)

The Happy Warrior: The Story of TC Robertson by Shirley Bell

Thomas Chalmers (TC) Robertson was an extraordinarily gifted man - accomplished journalist, gifted raconteur, ardent naturalist from boyhood, war correspondent, and Jan Smuts’s anti-Nazi propagandist during World War II. But his most significant work lay in his lifelong mission to save southern Africa’s soil and grasses, and for this he sacrificed any ideas of personal ambition.

TC was widely known during his lifetime as South Africa’s doyen of soil conservation and was regarded by many, including some of the best brains in the world, as a genius. Yet many South Africans today know little or nothing about him. This is partly because he was little concerned with self-promotion and put off writing his autobiography despite many requests to do so. He wrote insatiably, but not about himself. His passion was the land. He was driven by three things: his mission to save the soil, his insatiable quest for knowledge, and his equally insatiable hedonism.

He was of the intrepid, cavaliering stuff of which romantic heroes are made, a born musketeer, and a man with an enormous capacity for friendship. Outspoken, witty and able to hold an audience in the palm of his hand, he was immensely private when it came to his deepest feelings, sorrows, fears and any inadequacies he might have felt; his passion, his total commitment, was for his mission: saving the soil, conserving the land.

No public monument of bronze or stone commemorates his achievements. Apart from the small evergreen sanctuary, the TC Robertson Nature Reserve in Scottburgh, his epitaph is written in the soil of southern Africa, whispered by the grasses and leaves, murmured by the streams, and engraved indelibly on the hearts of all who knew him. Amoung the great men our country has produced, he was truly one of the greatest.

This hard-cover book is beautifully produced, bound in green card, section stitched with gold writing on the spine. Colour Jacket.

Hard Cover, 391 Pages, A5
Price: R220.00

The Story of the Forgetful Ice Lollies - Kriben Pillay
(Illustrations by Laura Pretorius)
This is a allegorical story that will help children to understand that they should look inside themselves to ask themselves "Is it really true". It is a delightful story but carries a very important lesson in tolerance and self-awareness.

Full Colour Childrens Book, Litho printed.

Paperback, 20 Pages, A4
Price: R80.00

We have a large number of books in production, and we will notify you about these as they are released. In the mean time, you can whet your appetite by visiting the web-site and looking at the books under the "Forthcoming Attractions" section on the main page.

We trust you find this information useful. If you have any questions or comments, then please contact us!

John Dovey

Just Done Productions - Publishing Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.
Just Done Productions cc
Cell: 083-3888290
Fax/Tel: 031-7673654 Just Done Productions Website Just Done Productions books on

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Press Release: There and Back Again. Poetry by Brigitte Liebenberg

Just Done Publishing 

Just Done Productions is proud to announce the publication of a volume of poetry by Brigitte Liebenberg.

The poetry contained in this volume is a direct result of the creative processes started by entering therapy for the treatment of depression. The poetry speaks for itself and allows others to relate to the content in their own ways.

It contains words that reflect the struggle of the journey back from depression as well as words that will encourage others in their own lives. The poems are an honest reflection of the emotions, thoughts and feelings of the author and deal with concepts of Hope and Inspiration as well as the record of depression. You cannot help but be moved by the raw honesty of the poems and inspired by the distance travelled.


“This is truly a beautiful and deeply moving compilation of poems that brings deep-seated emotions to the surface. It is well written and beyond criticism. It is a fine piece of work” The Editors of the Reach Writing Competition

“Dear Brigitte
Thank you for sharing this incredible collection of poetry with others. It has given me the inspiration and courage to begin my own journey and I have shared it with friends who feel the same way”

“I cried when I first read the poetry – it struck such chords deep within me. Now I read it often. Thank you for sharing.”

“Awesome, brave, beautiful, sad, inspirational!”

"Every one of these poems speaks volumes about pain, but also about healing." Ruda Landman

A donation from the proceeds of each sale of this book
will be made to the Underberg Congregational Church


Solitude PosterThere is also an A3 poster available which contains the Poem Solitude from the book.


Now I lay me down to sleep

Please don’t twist your fingers in my hair
Please don’t push my nightie high
Please don’t tell me that you love me
And say I must not cry.

I pray the Lord my soul to keep

Please don’t come into my room tonight
Please don’t wake me from my sleep
Please don’t make me promise
That this secret I will keep.

And if I should die before I wake

Please don’t ask me to touch you
Please don’t think that I shall feel
Please don’t – among the sweat and blood
I don’t believe that you are real!

I pray the Lord my soul to take

Please don’t forget to tuck me in
Please don’t put off the light
Please don’t go before you tell me
Everything will be all right!

Brigitte Liebenberg - There and Back Again

Just Done Productions - Publishing Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.
Just Done Productions cc
Cell: 083-3888290
Fax/Tel: 031-7673654 Just Done Productions Website Just Done Productions books on

Vist the Just Done Productions - Publishing website
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Monday, October 30, 2006

Press Release: My Cryptic Life by Donald Els Alanby

Just Done Publishing 

Just Done Productions would like to announce the publication of a new book; “My Cryptic Life” by Donald Els Alanby. This book is a first in its field, the story of an Apartheid Era policeman, told in his own words.

The story of this ex member of the South African police, and former Special Branch operative, is told in a series of short anecdotes. Each anecdote leads to another and you are lead on a journey through his memories and experiences over a span of twenty years.

During this journey, you will find yourself discovering hints and clues to the uncovering of some of South Africa’s best kept secrets, including some unsolved murder cases.

With his tongue firmly in his cheek, the author claims that names, dates and other specifics are irrelevant to the enjoyment of the story, and he has thus left those out, but it is left as an exercise for the reader to make their own decisions on who the role players could be.

At the start of the book there is a “Cryptic Crossword Puzzle” with some of the answers filled in. These answers include some intriguing and emotive words such as: “MURDER”, “RAUTEM”, “HEYNS”, “KOEVOET”, “THIRDFORCE”, “TRC”, “ANTON”, “SADF” and “CCB”.

The author teases that the words required to complete the puzzle have been scattered amongst the pages of the book. Further, that the solving of the puzzle provides the identity of the mystery mastermind behind some of the case and deeds.

Even the covert photo of the famous Arch-Bishop staring out at the Namib Desert (on the back cover) is a first-ever disclosure. It was intended that the stealth “shot” be taken through a lens with cross-hairs! Fact or fiction? You decide, but bear in mind the photo is genuine!

Price: R114.00
Purchase this book from Just Done on the website at

Just Done Productions - Publishing

Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.

Just Done Productions cc
Cell: 083-3888290
Fax/Tel: 031-7673654 Just Done Productions Website Just Done Productions books on

Vist the Just Done Productions - Publishing website
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Press Release: Lucy, The Ant Ballerina

Just Done Publishing 

Lucy the Ant Ballerina

Lucy the Ant Ballerina is a book written for children ages 3-9. It was created when a father was asked to make up a story, by his four year old daughter, about an ant but with one prerequisite, the ant had to be a ballerina.
The story is about an Ant, Lucy, who is different from all the other ants because she dares to dream. She meets a little girl who reads about Ballet. Lucy accompanies the girl on her journey of the discovery of the beauty of dance. She uses Ballet to bring pleasure and happiness to the Queen of the ants.
Her dreams become a reality.
This story encourages children to use their imaginations, to dream and enjoy the music in their heads.
Text: John Dovey
Illustrations: Shirene Dovey

Price: R50.00

Purchase this book online from the Just Done website.

Just Done Productions - Publishing

Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.

Just Done Productions cc
Cell: 083-3888290
Fax/Tel: 031-7673654 Just Done Productions Website Just Done Productions books on

Vist the Just Done Productions - Publishing website
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Press Release: Soldier's Verse - Compiled and Edited by John Dovey

Just Done Publishing 

Soldier's Verse

Compiled and Edited by John Dovey

Soldier's Verse: An Anthology of Poems
John Dovey did his National Service in the SADF in 1985-1986. He has served since then in three Citizen Force Regiments, and is still serving. This compilation of poems is his attempt to preserve some of the thoughts and feelings of the soldiers who were in the SADF during the “Border War” period. The poems in this compilation are mostly from that period. There are a few poems from Cubans and one from a British soldier, that fit into the theme of the compilation. The poems are all heart-felt ones that reflect the mood and emotion of the times. There are a surprising number that deal with loneliness and fear, which two things any soldier will know are constant companions. This book is above all about the commonality of experience that all soldiers share, and about the human face of the individuals of which an “army” is comprised.
Price: R40.00
From the Introduction:

This book of poems was an idea that I had on my 39th birthday which coincided with the 20th Anniversary of my first year in the Army (National Service). My birthday is on the 13th of November, so it often overlaps Remembrance Day which is held on the closest Sunday to the 11th of November. As it happens, I have memories of two birthdays during National Service, the first we were in the Townships outside Port Elizabeth and the second on the “Border” i.e. South West Africa/Namibia.

When I started remembering, I got quite emotional, and I know that a lot of my family and friends did not (and do not) understand why, and it made me realise that I should do something to ensure that the memories don’t die. I thought that an anthology of poems was a good idea as it was possible to reflect the good and the bad, the sentimental and the irreverent without getting too bogged down... and when I told Willem Steenkamp about what I was thinking, he offered me some of his poems and so the ball started rolling. After that, the contributions started rolling in, and once I mentioned the project on ArmyTalk, I was surprised by the positive reaction, and by the poems that were sent to me.

Some of the poems here are in Afrikaans, some in English and some in a strange mixture of the two. This reflects the reality of the military experience in South Africa (especially in those years). Where appropriate, there are foot-notes to explain terms and words that have been used, but in the main, if you don’t understand, then it doesn’t matter… as these are mostly words from those who were there. If you really need an explanation, turn to your husband, father, brother or son who was there… I am sure they will be able to explain, and who knows, you might learn something about their experiences.

There are some poems included from two Cuban contributors. I tried to get hold of poetry from “the other side”, but the closest I could come was from Larry and Santiago.

There are a lot of ghosts who walk with me every day, and as a young man, I wrote poems in an attempt to express my feelings and emotions about the intense situations that I was confronted with. Some of the poems are about feelings of love or loneliness, and it is my belief that soldiers are mostly incredibly lonely, in spite of the fact that they are surrounded at all times by their comrades. Every soldier that I have ever known has expressed a sense of incredible longing for home and loved ones. Expressed beautifully in the Afrikaans song that I was taught by some SAKK soldiers on a wet morning once…

“Moenie huil nie Meisiekind,
DiĆ© troopie kom weer”

Just Done Productions - Publishing

Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.

Just Done Productions cc
Cell: 083-3888290
Fax/Tel: 031-7673654 Just Done Productions Website Just Done Productions books on

Vist the Just Done Productions - Publishing website
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JDP Newsletter 4 October 2006

Just Done Publishing 

Dear John,

We are going through exciting times! More and more South Africans are willing to put pen to paper, tell their stories, and share their poems and novels. We are happy to say that the submission rate of manuscripts is picking up, and that the quality is of an incredibly high standard. As we go through the selection and weeding process, we are adding these books to our “Forthcoming Attractions” section on the website.

Check back regularly to see what is new. Individual press releases will follow this newsletter.

Please give us feedback on the books you have bought from us, the website and anything else that strikes your fancy. We like to hear from you and we do our best to improve all the time. The best way for us to do that is for you to let us know what we are doing wrong, but also to let us know what we are doing right.

Just Done Productions


My Cryptic Life by Donald Els Alanby is the story of a South African Policeman. He was in the Special Branch and the Drug squad, spent time in Namibia and Rhodesia. He writes in an engaging style that draws you in to experience with him the trials and tribulations that he experienced. A worthwhile read.
A Cook’s Tour of Duty. Memoirs of a conscripted National Serviceman, who served in the South African Army Service Corps between 1978 and 1980, including a year in South West Africa (now Namibia).Don’t forget the old faithfuls. If you haven’t got them already, buy them now.


The Cotton Germans of Natal has just been released. Check this out on the site. It is a really worthwhile buy for those interested in the history of South Africa, especially of the families of German descent.


We are very happy to able to tell you that we are now able to have posters printed. These are currently limited to an A3 Size, but we are investigating larger sizes and costs (A2 and even A1).

All posters are printed in full colour and are printed on “Invercote Duo” which is a fairly stiff board that is coated with a plastic-like coating in a high gloss finish. This material is resistant to cracking when bent, very similar in nature to the covers of our paper-back books.

We are currently developing a section for the website which will be devoted exclusively to posters, so look out for it when you are browsing the site. If you wish to have posters designed and/or printed for your organisation/event/personal pleasure, then please contact us for our VERY reasonable rates.

Before we make any posters available, we want to investigate the costs and implications of mailing them. We are a little concerned that if they are not packaged properly, they will not survive the tender mercies of the postal system, and we are not sure that rolling them up is the best thing to do. Once we have sorted out these issues, we will start making them available.

Children’s Books

This is a new area for us, but we already have one submission that is in the proofing stage, and another that we have written and illustrated ourselves. More to come on this!

The Rainbow men and the Pot of Gold
Lucy, the Ant Ballerina


We are very close to publishing our first volume of poetry. This is the volume called "Soldier's Verse". We still need contributions to the volume, so if you were in the Army and you have written some poetry (let us judge it's quality and merit) or you know someone else who has, then please submit that to us now for possible inclusion.

Please check back on the website regularly. We are making changes all the time. Thank you for your interest in Just Done and the books that we are publishing

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