Sunday, April 18, 2010

[JDPUB: 127] NEW BOOK - ZERO DEBTORS: The Business Guide to eradicating Debtors by Roger Knowles

ZERO DEBTORS: The Business Guide to Eradicating Debtors by Roger Knowles is now available from Just Done R149.


You can choose to do what most businesses do – groan under the weight of debtors, stress over the high cost of carrying an expensive overdraft, and pay your bank and not your family. You can have sleepless nights, a sub-standard lifestyle and long, worrying hours just trying to stay afloat…Or not. It’s your choice.


Don’t choose to suffer. Just as Roger did, you can choose to get your money – on time, every time. You can do this – lots of people in every possible type of business run their businesses without having debtor problems.


This book is the result of years of research by Roger Knowles, a South African attorney, professional speaker and writer. Years ago, he asked the question:


“How come some businesses have few or zero debtors, while the rest of us battle to achieve a workable cash flow?”


Roger found the answer by observing the business methods of countless successful entrepreneurs, financial managers and credit staff. He extracted the principles of cash flow success through observation and practical application, and he has successfully employed the principles over a number of years in his own businesses. He has also proven their effectiveness in his seminars and workshops by teaching thousands of people to change the way they do things. They have improved the quality of their businesses and their lives. You can do this too!


Cash flow success can be yours! Follow the principles in this new book and you will enjoy:

·         Early payment from customers

·         Relief from financial worries

·         Seamless cash flow

·         Get paid, keep customers

Collect your money without rancor, expense or frustration! 


*       Binding: Perfect Bound

*       Cover Type: Paperback

*       ISBN 13: 978-0620421-39-3

*       Number of Pages: 144

*       Size: A5


Order online: SA


If you are ordering for the first time, please register online and follow the instructions…Contact us if you have any problems

or fax 086 505 2478. We prefer EFT payments (‘bank wire’/ internet bank transfer) but other forms of payment are available. Please make sure that your name or order number are clearly marked as reference on proof of payment.




Shirene Dovey

Just Done Productions


Thursday, April 15, 2010



Ek was Daar (hersiene uitgawe) deur Philip Venter en G.S. Venter is nou beskikbaar vanaf Just Done     R165



Ek was DaarNa agt jaar op universiteit, en met ‘n tas vol grade, was Philip Venter reg vir ‘n verandering van pas. Hy is weermag toe om te leer om ‘mannedinge’ te doen. So leer hulle hom toe om beddens op te maak, vloere te skrop, klere te stryk en krane te poleer. En dit was maar net die begin...


Hierdie hersiene uitgawe van die klassieke boek vertel die storie van een lid se oorgang van student na soldaat. Maar dit is veel meer: Die verhaal van die S.A.W. en die manne wat daarvan die beste weermag van sy tyd gemaak het.


A5, 232 bladsye


Die staaltjies in hierdie boek het al volksbesit geword, want dit is skreeusnaaks... maar pasop! Te midde van die gelag slaan die werklikheid van die opoffering op die hardtreffendste manier deur... en deurgaans het die leser die sekerheid dat dit is hoe dit werklik in die weermag was...


Wat ander lesers van “Ek was Daar” vertel:

“Dit is presies hoe dit daar was. As jy nooit daar was nie, en regtig wil weet, wel dis hoe dit was.”


“My man het die afgelope tien jaar nog net een boek gelees, en hy lees dit die hele tyd.”


“Naas my Bybel is hierdie boek my kosbaarste besitting.”


“Ek het eers net gelag en toe aan die huil geraak. Die kroegman wou weet hoekom. Toe wys ek hom. Toe huil hy saam met my.”


“Ek was Daar” is oorspronklik in 1996 nasionaal in boekwinkels vrygestel en was binne ‘n ommesientjie uit druk.

Hierdie is ‘n hersiene uitgawe daarvan en is omvattend bygewerk en van vooraf uitgelê. Dit is ‘n baanbrekersboek wat nie bloot ‘n string staaltjies aanmekaar rits nie, maar wat die voorvalle en wendings tematies groepeer. Soos alle uitstaande boeke, is hierdie een bevolk met uitspattige en kleurvolle karakters soos Spaarvarkie, die korporaal, die eenheidsbevelvoerder bekend as die KGB, die patetiese (maar effektiewe) sappeur Piater en ‘n mal Italianer wat die township-krisis wil reg skiet met sy fraaie klein “ghoen...”


“Ek was Daar” sou wonderlike stof vir ‘n TV-reeks gewees het. Dit is reeds ‘n kultusboek en bestem om ‘n nasionale vertellingskat te word.


Bestel van of stuur epos aan

Faks 086 505 2478





Shirene Dovey

Just Done Productions