Friday, July 20, 2007

Press Release: Rhodesian Air Force Operations with Airstrike Log by Prop Geldenhuys

Just Done Publishing 

Just Done Productions would like to announce the release of a new book : Rhodesian Air Force Operations with Airstrike log by Prop Geldenhuys.

Rhodesian Air Force Log Front CoverThis book records the operations of the Rhodesian Air Force. It includes a complete log of all the airstrikes carried out as well as maps where these strikes have been meticously plotted. The maps are printed in full colour. There are numerous black and white photographs that illustrate the text.

From the forward by Air Vice-Marshal Hugh Clarke Scudamore Slatter

"I am always impressed by those who have the skill, creativity and determination to record a history of important events in a readable, interesting form so that the history will not be forgotten and so that others may get so much enjoyment from it.
This book by Prop Geldenhuys  does just that. It is the result of many hours of effort and research, determination and patience, creativity and sensitivity that will be valuable not only to those directly involved with this period in Southern Africa, but to all who read it.
Prop’s book joins a growing number of fine, new books set in Southern Africa and deals with the history of various aspects of life in the country and especially life in the latter half of the 20th century. These books are a valuable record, but also play an important role in the remedial process to assuage the pain that many of us who live, or lived, in Africa still feel at this time. Hopefully, they also help awaken the World to the realities of life in Southern Africa in the 20th/21st centuries."

Prop joined the Rhodesian Air Force in 1962 as a young hopeful to attend "No 16 Pilot Training Course". He flew during the entire period covered by this book and is thus eminently qualified to write about this subject.

As Group Captain Tol Janeke writes in the introduction:

"... He has painstakingly and methodically recorded the history, not only of the airmen who were privileged to fly the aircraft involved in the air strikes, but so many others.
... Here are the names of soldiers, policemen and internal affairs, men and women who added to the often unheralded courage behind the exciting story of these air strikes.  The troops on the ground and those that flew in our aircraft with us, some of whom hated leaving their own familiar environment on the ground and in the bush.


To those historians and collectors of militaria, this book is one that fills in much detail. It shows how operations  started slowly and built up to a situation where virtually the entire country became involved.  The mass of little numbered dots on the maps shows the position of widespread strikes in all the operational areas."

Author at Virginia Air Show with bookThe first copies of this book were on sale at the Virginia Air Show in Durban and the first copy was sold with the sound of a Mirage's engine rumbling overhead as it performed aerobatics. An entirely appropriate occasion.

This book is available for purchase from Just Done Productions, at International purchasers can buy a copy from although they should be aware that only the South African version's maps are in colour.

Author "Prop" Preller Geldenhuys
Cover Type Paperback
ISBN-13 978-1-920169-61-9
No of Pages 296
Size A4
Publication Date 13 July 2007
South Africa Rhodesian Air Force Operations
Price R320.00 (subject to change)

Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.
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