Thursday, July 26, 2007

Press Release: Oom Grompie - Luister mooi

Just Done Publishing 

Just Done Productions Publishing stel die nuwe Afrikaanse boek vir kinders Oom Grompie – Luister mooi bekend.
Oom Grompie - Luister Mooi Hierdie boek is die eerste in ‘n reeks oor Oom Grompie, ‘n bejaarde pensionares wat vir alles – sy kinders en die lewe in die algemeen – kwaad is. ‘n Onverwagte besoeker bring vir hom ‘n boodskap. Oom Grompie leer hoe belangrik dit is om jou liefde vir dié waarvoor jy omgee, te toon.
Die skrywer, Gerrie Hugo, is van die opinie dat hierdie boek 'n kinderstorie is, maar ook 'n belangrike boodskap inhou vir alle Afrikaanssprekende mans wat tog so met hulle emosies sukkel.
Die boek is beskikbaar vanaf die web op in Suid Afrika en op vir internasionale verkope
Prys: R40
Kinders vanaf 5-10 en 25+ sal dit geniet!

Geïllustreer deur Shirene Dovey

Just Done Productions Publishing would like to announce the release of a new Afrikaans book for children- Oom Grompie –Luister mooi.
This is the first in a series of books about Oom Grompie.
Oom Grompie -Luister mooi tells the story of a miserable old pensioner who is disgruntled with his children and life in general. An unexpected visitor brings meaning to his life again and helps him to discover the importance of sharing your love for your loved ones.
The author, Gerrie Hugo, feels that the although the book is a children's story, it is aimed primarily at Afrikaans speaking adult males who struggle so much with their emotions .
The book is available for purchase from the website in South Africa and from internationally.
Children ages 5-10 and 25 + will enjoy this book.
Price R40
Illustrator: Shirene Dovey



Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.
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