Tuesday, September 16, 2008

[JDPUB: 80] new book: MARTIN ALONSO PINZON -the mariner who pre-empted Columbus by Ed Tilston

Martin Alonso PINZON, the mariner who pre-empted Columbus has been published by Just Done R160

In Martin Alonso PINZON, the mariner who pre-empted Columbus, the dynamic sequel to CAPE BOJADOR, The Gateway to Hell (also available from Just Done) his first historical novel, and THE ROUTE TO PRESTER JOHN, his second, G. Edwin Tilston brings vividly to life the turbulent years that lead up to the sailing of the Pinzon fleet in August 1492. He rivets your imagination with adventure, war, sea battles, love, the burgeoning terror of the Spanish Inquisition, the victorious battle of Granada which expelled the Moors from Iberia after 700 years of occupation, and Isabella’s forced eviction of the Jews, many of whom sailed on the same tide as Pinzon.

Tilston with meticulously researched historical fact uncovers how Martin Alonso Pinzon conceived, planned, and successfully carried out the famous voyage of discovery as described in the litigation brought by the Castilian crown against the Columbus family in 1506. How Vicente Yanez Pinzon, Martin Alonso’s younger brother, takes his beloved Gabriela to Sevilla to stand by her parents when they are arrested by the Inquisition and thereby witness the horror of the auto de fe where heretics are tortured and burned at the stake. How her parents are arrested again and condemned to the stake themselves…..

It is the fifteenth century, when a mariner can at last fix his latitude and thereby sail the open ocean, when Bojador has been conquered, and the earth is no longer flat; when Portuguese caravels range ever farther down the African coast, seeking a route to the Spice Islands, and a handful of intrepid mariners look not to the east, but to the west, across the Atlantic Ocean, and believe they can see Cathay.

Christopher Columbus did not discover the new world!

Martin Alonso Pinzon did! Hail Pinzonia!

G. Edwin Tilston was born and educated in England. He served as pilot in the RAF and RN. He acted as agent for ships in the deep-sea and coastwise trades in Brazil, Peru (where he also served as honorary British Consul), Trinidad, New Orleans and New York. An American citizen, he now lives with his wife, Elizabeth Ellen Churchill, in the beautiful North Carolina Mountains.


http://www.justdone.co.za to order online- choose catalog and follow the instructions

You may pay via credit card, EFT or bank deposit. Alternatively contact publish@justdone.co.za or 086 505 2478 (fax)

International clients may order from http://www.lulu.com/content/3096997 or visit  http://www.justdone.co.za choose the book and click on the Lulu id link

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