Saturday, April 07, 2007

Press Release: Someone to Love by Dean Roberts

Just Done Publishing 

Just Done Productions Publishing would like to announce the publication of "Someone to love" by Dean Roberts.

Someone to Love - By Dean RobertsThis is a story of love; an honest tale of ordinary people trying to make a difference in one boy's life.
A story about a severely abused 4 year old boy who touched the lives of his foster family in their brief time together. It is written by a South African foster parent. This book captivates the reader and takes you through the frustrations, hurdles, victories and despair suffered by DJ, his mother and foster family. DJ'S phobias and countless other problems are outlined and Dean conveys the manner in which he and his wife dealt with them.
"DJ was totally incontinent. He wet his bed. Would or could not speak except in one word sentences. He had the brain capacity of an 18 month old, even though he was already 4 years old. He would not play with other children. These were just some of the little things that had actually led to the foster mother's decision to rather have the child placed in an institution."
What is remarkable is that in the short time that he spent with this foster family, he became a different child. He was able to respond to love, he could talk and he overcame many of his problems. People who saw him, could not believe that this was the same child.
DJ came into the Robert's care as a "damaged" child, labeled as being retarded. Simple love and care made a miraculous change in this little boy's life. The tragedy came when he had to leave them.

Dean and Marlene Roberts have cared for more than 13 foster children over the years, all with their own unique set of problems. DJ was the first.

This book is highly recommended for anyone who wishes to gain a greater understanding of the hurdles faced by foster families in South Africa and the impact of abuse. It highlights the need to address the severe abuse of children in this country and the immense impact small acts of love and security can provide.

This book can be bought from the Just Done Productions website at for R50.00. International customers can buy the book online from

Keywords: Abuse, phobias, Foster families, foster parenting, child abuse, abused women, sexual abuse

Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.
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