Saturday, April 07, 2007

Press Release: Room full of Whispers - As ek Fluister, Sal jy Luister?

Just Done Publishing 

Just Done Productions - Publishing would like to announce a new book  "Room Full of Whispers. As ek fluister, sal jy luister?" by Anitha Queck

Room full of Whispers. As ek fluister, Sal jy Luister?This volume of poetry is written in both Afrikaans and English and reflects the passion with which the author embraces life and all it has to offer. Anyone who has visited or lived on the West Coast of South Africa, will enjoy her work. These poems are infused with the poet's love of the elements- the vibrancy and sense of living closer to nature. The rich use of language, idiomatic and colloquial, infuses the poems with flavour like that of the Karoo Lamb.

From the Author

"Dis aan die Weskus waar ek my drome kon uitleef, waar ek kon skryf tot my siel leeg is, en waar ‘n mens ure langs die strand kan sit en jouself verloor in die magtigheid van die natuur.Ek skryf oor die lewe en emosies en hoop om só jou siel te bereik.

I used to live in Vredenburg, Western Cape, where you can get lost in your dreams and where you can live close to your God. I am passionate about life, trying to live my dream."

Here are some extracts from the book:

A Room full of Whispers

He paints his memories with soft strokes in his mind
and lets go of the glass
Shattered on the floor with dark amber wine,
like the memories have passed

She whispers and smiles as he turns around
to catch glimpses of where she can be
No matter where she turns to and where he goes,
beyond every turn there is she

She is in every whisper of the wind,
the rays of the sun, the colour of the wine
Everywhere he looks, he sees her face in every room,
could she ever be mine?

Uit Wit Katoen

Klein pers viooltjies in die veld staan broos en ontbloot in die wind
Tussen die varkore en wildevarings om die bergpoele het ek jou gevind
Wit katoen klou aan jou lyf waar jy die water met jou vingers versteur
Versluier jou gesig deur donker hare het jy die veld kom inkleur

Waterhondjies spat deur die water en maak patrone wat nie praat
Die seisoen van kleur en geur is hier, in die velde vir elkeen ‘n maat
Vlinders speel in die koel bergwind en ‘n voël roep na sy maat
Die Godshand het weer die veld lewend gemaak, tot soveel in staat

Uit Weskus Kind 

Hier het elke plekkie sy eie kultuur
Selfs die boemelaars kan in die verte in tuur
En die kinders kan jillend die lewe ervaar
Ver van die stad met al sy gevaar

Weskusmense het mos siel en gees
Waar elkeen maar net homself kan wees
Waar mense nog omgee wat ander maak
Wat raad en hulp het as die buurman haak.

Soos Namakwaland en die Karoo sy eie stempel dra
So dra die Weskus sy beeld wat ander na vra
Hier waar bokoms en braaivleis ewe kan wees
Ja hier het ons dan rede tot gereelde fees!

This book can be bought from the Just Done Productions website at for R75.00. International customers can buy the book online from


Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.
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