Friday, April 13, 2007

Press Release: Haven of Rest by Reneë Hope

Just Done Publishing 

Just Done Productions - Publishers would like to announce the release of a new book Haven of Rest by Reneë Hope.

27 stories of abused women and their children.

There is no justification for abuse and no woman deserves to be abused under any circumstances.

This book gives the reader an insight into the plight of abused South African women from all walks of life and who have suffered all forms of abuse.

It includes information on

  • why women stay in abusive relationships
  • the cycle of abuse
  • the Domestic Violence Act
  • Contact information for organizations who will help abused women and their families.

Haven of Rest by Renee HopeThe author wrote:

“This book is about my experiences at Sisters Incorporated, a home for abused women and their children and pregnant women. I was a housemother there for eighteen months and taught painting classes once a week for two years and three months.

The stories are fictionally written, but they are similar to the events and circumstances that women find themselves in. Some are true stories and events that have occurred at the home.

Many women find themselves suddenly homeless, helpless and they don’t know where to turn to. I wrote this book to raise an awareness of the plight of these women, and also so that women who are in abusive situations will be aware that there is help out there for them.

They arrive at the safe house afraid, shattered, abused, insecure and needing safety, security, and nurturing - Emotionally, verbally and physically abused, with low self-esteem. They have very bravely made a start by deciding to leave their abusive situation. They often have to leave behind their precious possessions, their clothing, furniture, and arrive only with the clothes on their backs.

They are only with us for a few months. Many struggle to get jobs and find a small place to live when they leave here. Accommodation is extremely expensive, and then there is food and schooling and electricity, petrol and other payments to consider. The reality is that most fathers don’t provide maintenance and the court cases are endless. These women desperately need low cost housing, subsidized education and medical aid for their children.”

The book is available from Just Done Productions for R120.00.

We are offering a discounted price of R75.00 for purchases from our website for a limited time.

To order within South Africa, please visit the website and to order internationally, visit


Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.
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