Saturday, April 26, 2008

Press Release: SPIRIT WISDOM - Frank van Vloten


Just Done Productions Publishing would like to announce the publication of Spirit Wisdom by Frank van Vloten

Spirit Wisdom by Frank van Vloten

128 pages

The wisdom contained in the pages of this book, has been gleaned very largely from the teachings of the Ramala Masters, Silver Birch and White Eagle, which have appeared in various publications over the years.

The knowledge is universal and relates to the existence and conduct of mankind on planet Earth and should in no way be interpreted as being part of any sort of religion.


The contents are in the form of chapters on particular topics, which were originally talks (addresses) lasting about 10 – 15 minutes, given to the Spiritualist sanctuaries in KwaZulu-Natal during the past ten years, and each can be read and absorbed on its own.

The inspiration has come from Spirit to collate these talks and publish them as a modest booklet for the benefit of those seeking spiritual truths, beyond the noise and confusion of everyday material life.


Price: R95



Purchase from
or for those who do not have internet access contact us
via fax 086 505 2478
or John 083 3888 290

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