Just Done Productions – Publishing would like to announce the publication of
A Civilisation from the Planet Neputar - Barrie Taylor
A Civilisation from the Planet Neputar - Barrie Taylor – (Fiction/Children/Teen) R140
124 pages
A Civilisation from the Planet Neputar is set in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape, South Africa where three teenagers team up and become good ‘buddies’. One day, just after dark, they see a huge metallic object, (space ship), parked on an isolated part of the beach. The object is dark grey, the size of a soccer stadium and as high as a five storey building. Part of it is resting in shallow sea water with steam rising up from under it as if it is very hot. When they investigate further they get abducted by hideous looking alien creatures who take them on board and ride off with them into the galaxy at many times the speed of light. They are all convinced they are going to be dissected like laboratory rats. However, it turns out the aliens are in fact friendly and wish only to educate humans about the imminent destruction of our planet - caused by global warming, pollution, CFC gases and the depletion of our ozone layer. It transpires that the end of our world is a lot closer than we think unless we do something fast and their visit was just one of many to try and give us a wake up call. The children experience many adventures in space as they visit other planets that are either being destroyed in the same way or have already been destroyed. They have several near death experiences and get attacked by many strange things but each time the aliens ensure their safety and eventually return them to Earth, unharmed.
The book is packed full of scientific facts and will educate the reader/child in an entertaining way. The book covers all the current problems we face with climatic changes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tidal waves and floods. The author is an experienced pilot with over 40 years of flying and has used much of his knowledge to make the story more realistic.
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