Monday, October 22, 2007

Press Release: The Lights of Freedom by George Stegmann

Just Done Publishing 

Just Done Productions would like to announce the publication of the book The Lights of Freedom by George Stegmann.

The Lights of Freedom - George StegmannThis is the true story of a South African Policeman who fought as a soldier during the Second World War.

It is a moving and simple account of an ordinary soldier’s experiences; how he survived capture in the Western Desert, spending time in a Prisoner of War camp at Benghazi in Lybia under the worst conditions imaginable and his escape to freedom, recapture and eventual escape to neutral Switzerland.

Along the way, we learn of his love of boxing, enjoyment of wine-making in Italy and his constant yearning for his family at home. During these experiences, he is sustained by the kindness of civilians and the camaraderie of his fellow soldiers.

The strength of the story lies in its simplicity.  A  young, ordinary South African who recorded the travails of war, especially as a prisoner,  that were not uncommon for men of his generation.

This book can be bought for R140 from Just Done Production's website at or for international customers from



Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We specialise in South African Material and strive to publish quality, professional books printed on either offset-litho or digital presses. We offer a publication option that allows print-runs as small as 10 copies. Contact for more information.
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