Monday, September 17, 2007

Press Release: The Man-eaters of Eden: Life and Death in Kruger National Park - Robert R. Frump

Just Done Publishing 

Just Done Productions is proud to have published The Man-Eaters of Eden: Life and Death in the Kruger Park"The Man-eaters of Eden: Life and Death in Kruger National Park," by Robert R. Frump .
This a non-fiction  book told in a narrative style of how lions in Kruger National Park adapted to man-eating behavior . It documents the author's efforts to establish the origins of wide-spread man-eating behaviour.

The behaviour continues to this date and Frump, an American journalist who has won national awards in that country, asserts that man-eating may be at an all-time high in modern times. 

"Perhaps the most famous man-eaters are the celebrated 'man-eaters of Tsavo,'" Frump said.  "They killed more than 100 humans in the late 19th Century and shut down British efforts to build a railroad.

"The lions of Kruger have killed far more," Frump said, "and the problem there is continuing."

The book, published in hardcover, in the United States, has received positive reviews. "Robert Frump weaves the central story of human suffering with, in the case of "The Man-eaters of Eden," gripping accounts of horrific lion attacks.  He's a master story-teller who leaves readers wondering what they enjoy most: the import debate of 'man versus nature' or the many gruesome tales of predator versus prey."
--John von Brachel, deputy managing editor of Time Inc.

"A masterful account of encounters between man and beast....a stunning portrayal of a little-known  phenomenon -- the killing and eating of Mozambican refugees by the lions of Kruger National Park in South Africa.  This is a richly detailed narrative that is brutal and honest.  Anyone intersted in wildlife preservation and human rights should read this remarkable book."
-- David Zucchino, correspondent for The Los Angeles Times and author of "Thunder Run" and "Myth of the Welfare Queen."

"The Man-eaters of Eden" is a much-needed antidote to the Diseneyfication of African wildlife.  Robert Frump portrays lions as neither virtuous nor villainous but as what they are: adaptable carnivores...As Frump shows, it's not so much the lion in the bush we should fear; it's our simplistic, theme-park view of nature."-- David Baron, author of "Beast in the Garden."

Price R165 ( special)
Purchase from the justdone website at
Author Robert R Frump
Cover Type Paperback
ISBN-10 1-920169-17-2
ISBN-13 978-1-920169-17-6
No of Pages 180
Size A5
Publication Date 1 September 2007
Lulu ID 557256

Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.
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