Wednesday, March 11, 2009

[JDPUB: 96] NEW BOOK- CARRY ON REGARDLESS An Officers Story by Lt Col Kevin Mulligan



The personal memoirs of a Citizen Force Officer in the Rand Light Infantry by Lt Col Kevin Mulligan

has just been published by Just Done Productions R180


Formed in 1905, the Rand Light Infantry has carved a name for itself as one of South Africa’s most famous regiments, earning the six battle honours emblazoned upon the Regimental Colour through outstanding service in two World Wars.


Kevin Mulligan joined the RLI as a young captain in 1978. In 1983 he became the Commanding Officer and at 31 was the youngest colonel ever to have been appointed in the Regiment. Kevin commanded the RLI throughout the difficult years of the bush war in South West Africa/Angola, retiring in 1990 at age 36 to play a role in helping to shape the future of the citizen soldier and the traditional regiments in the new political order.


This book gives a remarkable glimpse into those times from the perspective of a dedicated senior office of the Citizen Force.


This most excellent book is far more than just an officer’s story. It is a most revealing account of the Citizen Army that South Africa fielded in a rather sad era of our country’s history. It is a record of service before self, of tremendous sacrifices in time and money, of loss of quality time with loved ones and of lost opportunities in civilian careers by members of the Citizen Force. It is also a record of love and loyalty to regiment and soldiering – not just to fight and kill, which is what so many persons who have never been soldiers think military service is all about. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Soldiering is serving the government of the day even though some of the duties are distasteful and even hateful, such as service in the townships. Furthermore, we see again and again that there is no such thing as a bad troop, only bad officers. And we read of much camaraderie and esprit de corps, and we get the feeling of true love and loyalty for the Regiment. We also sense the support for the theory that we cannot rely entirely on professionals to fight and win wars…

This book also proves wrong those many critics of the South African system of soldiering with citizen soldiers, and proves quite conclusively that you can make first class fighting units with part time soldiers.

Kevin Mulligan proved to be an outstanding commanding officer and an exceptionally good leader – the epitome of a first class soldier. Nothing rattled him, he always remained cool, calm and collected (except, perhaps, while flying!) and he made his military decisions carefully and correctly as is expected of an operational commander...I believe this story is a record of unselfish devotion to duty and a compelling argument for the retention of proud military traditions

Brigadier General A. C. (Tony) Chemaly, SM MMM JCD


A5 Paperback, b/w photos, 306 pages

ISBN 13: 978-1- 920169 - 87- 9

Price: R180 (a discount will be offered to bookshops/bulk orders)


Order online

or contact or fax 086 505 2478

The book will be available from Lulu for international orders as of 17 March 2009.


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