Monday, November 10, 2008

[JDPUB: 92] NEW BOOK: Operation Miracle by Prop Geldenhuys, Bob Manser and John McKenzie

Operation Miracle – a tribute to three bold Airmen by Prop Geldenhuys, Bob Manser and John McKenzie has been published and is available from Just Done Productions – Publishing for R180


Operation Miracle – 21 September to 6 October 1979. This Operation will be remembered for the loss of Brian Gordon and his Hunter and the shooting down of Canberra crews Kevin Peinke and JJ Strydom. The Rhodesian Army lost Gert O’Neil and Ted Mann. Eleven enemy were accounted for, despite the heavy involvement by the Selous Scouts and Rhodesian Light Infantry


“Much has been written about the Afro-Rhodesian conflict. Armed aggression continued to escalate, especially with Portugal’s withdrawal from Africa. It peaked in the latter half of 1979 – just as the participants to the Lancaster House were gathering in London. Both sides of the armed conflict were pulling out all the stops to gain political leverage at the constitutional talks.


This then is the story about the total loss of a Hawker Hunter fighter ground attack aircraft, and a Canberra bomber, both on the same day, the 3rd October 1979. Even more tragically, the loss of the aircrew was the worst experienced by the Air Force in its entire history. When the new Government came to power, they made no effort to recover the bodies of our fallen colleagues. But, nearly twenty-eight years later former airman Bob Manser miraculously found both the crash sites. The finding was flashed across the globe by Eddy Norris and his ORAFs network.


This all happened between July and November 2007. Congratulatory messages flooded in from all over the world – bringing forth mixed emotions. John McKenzie set about making the Operation Miracle Memorial, while Prop Geldenhuys compiled the commemorative booklet. In doing so, the writer has been reduced to tears and fits of anger occasionally.”



“What is it that makes Op Miracle so unique? It was certainly not the first time that the Rhodesian Forces had carried out bold attacks on the enemy, beyond their borders. Nor was it significant in the size of the air or ground effort employed by them. But it was a time when the emphasis was moving inexorably from a bush conflict into a war with sophisticated weapons and technology. The advantage of air superiority, long enjoyed by the Rhodesian Air Force was slipping away.

The crews flying on air operations were well aware that the risks, particularly on cross-border missions, were becoming very high. Negotiations for a political settlement were underway. Only six short months after Op Miracle, a new government would take over the country.

Many Rhodesians had already left their homeland even as it became obvious that the war was drawing to a weary end. The combatants were mentally and physically exhausted and were clamouring for peace.

It was at this time of change that Op Miracle demanded one last, big effort from the Air Force. This was given as always, with courage and determination.

These are the qualities that we now seek to honour and remember after all the years.

Op Miracle symbolises all that was courageous and audacious in the fighting men and women of Rhodesia. It is a tribute to those that made the ultimate sacrifice.” Tol Janeke

  • Binding: Perfect
  • Cover Type: Paperback
  • Illustrations/Photos: Colour and B&W Photos throughout
  • ISBN 13: 978-1-920315-11-5
  • Number of Pages: 163
  • Publication Date: 28 October 2008
  • Size: A5

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