Thursday, September 25, 2008


Journey of a First Time Mom by Georgina Thornell is now available from Just Done


Journey of a first time mom'Journey of a First Time Mom'  helping you survive the first two years by Georgina Thornell is filled with humour, inspiring quotes and various 'laws' (such as, Georgina's Law of Acceptance), and most of all honesty.


Georgina admits to being completely unprepared to look after her young son (or 'cocktail sausage and two olives') and really floundered in the beginning. She confesses to being a control freak, a perfectionist, and to having unrealistic expectations. This made the early days difficult for Georgina as Chase was born early and also experienced colic. However, she learnt to become more flexible, more accepting of her circumstances, to understand her son’s needs and to develop a flexible routine. She speaks about venturing out with her newborn for the first time, developing a healthy diet for him and taking care of her own physical needs and relationship with her husband.

Any advice in this book is delightfully couched in completely non-prescriptive and humble terms and readers will easily identify with the author as she learns to 'survive the first two years'
(Taken from a review by Brenda Daniels-Mum's mail-Durban edition, March 2008)


Excerpts from the book:


Parenting is certainly not for cowards, it will stretch you and shape you in ways you never thought possible. To see yourself as the student and embrace each opportunity as one to learn and grow –that is the greatest gift of all.”(p 26)


“…And so it was that Georgina’s Law of Look, Listen and Learn was born. And although at different stages of Chase’s development I would forget on occasion to apply the law, the fact remains the same – only my son can accurately tell me the state of his body and mind and all the clues found in his cues. All it requires of me is to stop a while, look, listen and learn – the answers are all there…” (p 62)


Comments from readers:


“Thank you for your gorgeous book. I am halfway through already and hanging onto every word. It’s absolutely wonderful.” Fiona Knutsen-Smith - mother of two.

“I totally loved your book. It put lots into perspective and is very thought provoking. Thank you for a great reading experience.” Jackie Clark – mother of three.

Georgina, I have nearly finished reading your precious book and have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it!” Louise Walker – mother of two.


"After Georgina's first visit to my clinic I thought, 'Wow, what a challenge this is going to be!' We got through it. As you read, you will learn, love and laugh - three wonderful ingredients in one great book. Georgina, I am proud of you!" Sr. Vicky Wilkinson (R. N., R. M.)- The Stork's Nest Clinic, North Coast, Kwazulu-Natal


 Georgina Thornell, a dynamic go-getter, has a National Diploma in Marketing and Sales and is well travelled. She has been married for seven years.


This book will be a wonderful gift for a 'First Time Mom'- even if she buys it for herself!


A5, 94 pages, paperback

Keywords: Motherhood, Parenthood, Baby care, Maternity, Self-help

Price R95


To order:

 to order online- choose catalog and follow the instructions

You may pay via EFT or bank deposit. Alternatively contact or 086 505 2478 (fax)

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