Monday, October 30, 2006

Press Release: Life and Death of a Fire Service by Danny Joubert

Just Done Publishing 

Life and Death of a Fire Service  by Daniel JoubertThe Life and Death of a Fire Service is the second part of the story (with the first part told in Amongst Men) of one man's




experience as a Fireman. While the story is autobiographical, it occurs during the time of transition to the New South Africa and tells of an ordinary man's experiences within the context of an extraordinary job. We all take the availability of the Fire Brigade for granted, without understanding the toll it takes on those who have to provide that service, and this story gives us a unique insight into what that toll is. Some of my proof readers and first buyers of these books by Danny have commented:


  • "This is a fantastic story that gripped me from the first word until the last"
  • "This is a story that needs to be read, but it is an enjoyable read from someone who quite clearly knows what he is talking about"
  • "Daniel Joubert writes in a clear style with no pretensions, and he has permitted me a glimpse into a world that is totally foreign to me, without making me stumble over jargon or unnecessary technicalities."
  • "He made me laugh and cry. I hope that everyone reads these books"



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Daniel JoubertDaniel Joubert was born in Johannesburg but grew up in Durban. He completed his matric at George Campbell High School in 1979 and, much to the disapointment of his family and teachers, joined the Durban Fire Brigade 3 days after writing his final examination at the age of 17.

His charted course was to have set sail with him as a school teacher, but his childhood dream of fighting fires proved to be too strong to deny.

A two year period of fighting fires and a lot of ambulance work followed.


Desiring the practical training that was only available in Johannesburg at that time, Daniel resigned from Durban and headed for the Witwatersrand. He joined the Johannesburg Fire Department in 1981 and underwent the training that was so highly regarded.

Briefly returning to Durban, he found that the professionalism of the Transvaal Brigades drew him back to the Transvaal. Joining Benoni Fire Brigade in 1982, he spent 2 years there before deciding to enter an Industrial fire service to gain the unique experieces available there. Not only did he gain valuable experience at Iscor in Newcastle, but he also received invaluable management training.

In 1987 and at the age of 25, Daniel applied for the vacant post of Chief Fire Officer of Orkney, a mining town in the then Western Transvaal, and following an intimidating interview (and much to his delight) was offered the position.

The following 15 years were a remarkable ride on the wave of change that built up and eventually broke on the shores of the New South Africa, and his experiences in the emergency services during this time make for compelling and provocative reading.

Daniel left the service in 2001 and is now a fire and safety consultant. He lives in Cape Town with his wife, Ita.



Just Done Productions - Publishing

Just Done Productions - PublishingJust Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.

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