Thursday, January 19, 2017


Just Done Productions- Publishing announces the publication of:

The Boleyn Countess by Deborah Findlay R120



This fictional historical novella is set in the sixteenth century world of Henry VIII's England. A king's obsessive desire to beget a son destroys other lives and families. This is one woman's story....


Here is an extract to entice you to an entertaining read:  “Sir William Kingston, Constable of the Tower of London, escorted his visitor, the Countess of Wiltshire, followed closely by her companion, from their small boat at Tower Wharf, up the stairs, and through narrow stone passages.

As silently as the spectres that haunted the bloody precincts, they made their way to the church of St Peter ad Vincula.


“They lie beneath the chancel pavement, my Lady.”

“Thank you, Sir William, for your kindness.”

“I will await you without.” He bowed again, and left, taking his place, as if a sentinel, at the church door. The young man, tall, cloaked, silent, followed him, his eyes darting this way and that, ever alert to treachery and hidden danger.

Kingston, a shrewd man, noted that his uninvited companion had about him, a look of the Howards, but preferred not to confirm his suspicions. What he didn’t know, he could not tell. Such were the times, that every man, indeed, every woman too, feared the wrath of the king.

Lady Elizabeth Boleyn, Countess of Wiltshire and Ormond, the mother of Lady Anne Boleyn, and her brother George, the 2nd Viscount Rochford, knelt on the stones above the graves. She wept, silently, until she had no more tears. She prayed, as a good Christian should, for the souls of her children. She prayed, as any mother would, that the Lord would avenge them. And if, in so doing, she prayed treasonably for the death of the man responsible, she felt, in her heart, that no heavenly court would judge her. She prayed for their redemption, and his destruction. And when she had done so, she sang, her body rocking gently, to and fro.

“What song does she sing?” wondered Kingston aloud, fearing witchcraft and magic, as each clear note carried on the evening breeze. He was fearful of discovery, lest his loyalty to King Henry be questioned “What prayer is that? I know it not.”

The man turned his head, to meet the constable’s shadowed eyes.

“It is a lullaby, Sir. She sings them to sleep.”


The Boleyn Countess is the result of a life-long interest in Tudor history and genealogy.

Comment from a reader: "The Boleyn Countess is a wonderful read, and brings to life the private lives of a family living in turbulent Tudor times."


·       Cover Type: Paperback

·       Number of Pages: 98

·       Size: A5

·       Binding: Perfect

·       Photographs: 2 colour pages of Family History

·       ISBN: 9781920702281


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Shirene Dovey

Just Done Productions