Monday, October 22, 2012


The Umvoti Mounted Rifles Comrades Association is proud to announce the completion of The New History of the Umvoti Mounted Rifles 1864 - 2004. Just Done Productions has just published this book.

<![if !vml]><![endif]>The New History covers the period 1864 to 2004 and took 20 years to complete.

We are proud to offer this wonderful book to you.
Buy it, read it and add it to your collection of Military History of South Africa.

Standard Hard cover R 500.00 from Just Done

As the reader turns the pages of this book, the history of the illustrious UMR will unfold before his/her very eyes, and the reader will be taken for the ride of a lifetime. The ride starts with a small band of 45 cavalry volunteers in Greytown and ends with a modern Armoured Car Regiment, a compliment of 254 trained men and women, equipped with Rooikat armoured vehicles and a modern and functional headquarters at Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal.

The Umvoti Mounted Rifles is one of the oldest Regiments in the South Africa National Defence Force. It will turn 150 years old on 16 May 2014.

The regiment fought gallantly and with honour in the South African (Zulu) War of 1879; The South Africa (Anglo Boer) War of 1899 -1902; Natal (Bambata) Rebellion of 1906; South West Africa (First World War) 1914-1915 and Gibbon, Western Desert (Second World War) 1941-1943. The Regiment stands proud as the only active Armoured Car Regiment in KwaZulu-Natal, and is ready to serve the South African National Defence Force, The Country and its People, where and whenever called upon to do so.

<![if !supportLists]>·                    <![endif]>Cover Type: Hard Cover with dust jacket
<![if !supportLists]>·                    <![endif]>Number of Pages: 764
<![if !supportLists]>·                    <![endif]>Size: A4
<![if !supportLists]>·                    <![endif]>Publication Date: 20 October 2012
<![if !supportLists]>·                    <![endif]>Binding: Section Sewn
<![if !supportLists]>·                    <![endif]>Black and white photographs throughout
<![if !supportLists]>·                    <![endif]>Colour photographs

Various payment and postal options are available .You may pay via credit card using Paypal. EFT is referred to as BANK WIRE on the site.

Special leather bound limited editions are available from the UMR Association for  R1000 or order form can be obtained from or 031- 700 1860 (office hours)

Shirene Dovey
Just Done Productions




ANGEL’S SECRET by Gillian van der Walt has been published by Just Done R120


Love and meaning turn up in the oddest of places...


“She had it all planned in her mind and this would be her secret only; no-one needed to know. She would simply tell everyone that she was going away on a three-week holiday.”


Named by her grandmother, Angel is different from other girls. With her plain looks and poor background, she feels like an outsider – and wonders whether she’ll ever be a ‘woman of substance’ to be loved and admired. When she embarks on a whimsical secret project, little does she know that it will take her on a rollercoaster journey that brings her face to face with who she is... and nothing will ever be the same again.




·               Cover Type Paperback

·               ISBN 13 978-1920315-87-0

·               Number of Pages 176

·               Size A5

·               Publication Date 15 October 2012

·               Binding Perfect Bound


Gillian van der Walt is married with four children and lives in Durban. Her previous book Take my hand is an autobiography.



To order:

Various payment and postal options are available.

You may pay via credit card using Paypal. EFT is referred to as BANK WIRE on the site.


International clients may order via Lulu or on the Just Done site



Shirene Dovey

Just Done Productions



Friday, May 11, 2012



SELLING YOURSELF AS A WAY OF LIFE Second edition - by John Beyers McDermott has been published by Just Done R110



Having the ability to sell oneself is of vital importance, especially in today’s tough times. The ‘pie’ has shrunk, but more and more individuals are striving to earn a slice; universities and colleges churn out graduates, but job-candidates consistently outnumber positions vacant; would-be entrepreneurs are flocking to the cities, but few are adequately equipped with the life-skills required to succeed and prosper.


What’s needed is an edge over one’s competitors, be it in a job interview or vying with the sales reps of rival companies or creating a market share for one’s own start-up business. This book reveals how to acquire that advantage and the formula is laid out in straightforward, easy to follow steps born of the author’s own experience that spans almost half a century.


To be a winner in any vocation or activity demands understanding the fundamental principles of human interaction - The Game Of Life – and putting these into practice with perfection. For a new initiate or someone already in the game but was never taught how to play, or a veteran who’s forgotten the rules and needs a pick-me-up to get back on the field, the wisdom contained in the pages of this book will be of great and lasting value.

“I set out to write this book in a manner that is straightforward, while the advice I give is based on logic and commonsense. These attributes combine to make Selling Yourself as a Way of Life easy to read, absorb and – most importantly of all – easy to apply on an ongoing, daily basis. Its vision is to transform you into the Perfect Salesperson through a spectrum of teachings that, in broad strokes, covers:


You and yourself – the image you project, as well as your self-image

Selling yourself – the ideal ways to deal with potential/existing clients

How to sell – a host of visionary ideas for you to put into practice

Practical tools – from compiling a C.V. to preparing a strategic plan

Lifetime value – the pitfalls of being overambitious and egotistical

The Perfect Salesperson – a summary of what it takes

Case studies – be inspired by the author’s own experiences

Success Principles – a daily checklist of what to do and not do …” John Beyers McDermott


SELLING YOURSELF AS A WAY OF LIFE is the key to unlocking your full potential and the roadmap to the destination you seek - guaranteed success!    THE COMPLETE PACKAGE!

·         Binding                     Perfect Bound

·         Cover Type              Paperback

·         ISBN 13                      978-1920315-81-8

·         Number of Pages 148

·         Publication Date   April 2012

·         Size                             A5


To order

You may pay via credit card using Paypal. EFT is referred to as BANK WIRE on the site.


International Orders on Lulu or on the Just Done website



Shirene Dovey

Just Done Productions



Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Am I a pornographer?

I'm confused.

I note with interest the fact that the Constitutional Court will be examining a High Court decision on the Film and Publications Act today (13th March 2012) which may or may not affect me. They will essentially be deciding on whether or not it is constitutional for the Publications Board to require pre-classification of printed material (books, newspapers & magazines) that contain "sexual conduct". If the Publications board gets the high court's decision over turned, it would mean that (except for newspapers) everything that is published that has "sexual conduct" described/depicted in it cannot be published without first getting pre-approval from them.

Even if the judgement is upheld, there is still some confusion in my mind. It is VERY easy to hide behind the emotive issues of child porn, rape and bestiality and "concern for children", without considering the effects that these things have on the decisions I have to take as a publisher.

Included in the Act in question, if one of the submitted works contains "child porn", that work must be submitted to the Police for investigation and prosecution. I need someone to help me out here. If I publish someone's biography, and in the process of the book they describe that they were raped as a child, does this mean that the book must be classified as for Adults Only (XX or X18)? Is this "child porn"? Does this description mean that I have to submit the book for classification before publication? One of the books I have already published includes a fairly graphical description of a young boy receiving oral sex from an adult woman. Does that mean I am a pornographer? Maybe even guilty of distributing child porn? If so, then it proves that the effect of the law is ridiculous and (in my opinion) unconstitutional.

Unfortunately, I don't have the deep pockets that are required to challenge this, but hopefully the Constitutional Court will start out today by sending the Publications Board home with their tails between their legs!

Monday, March 12, 2012

[JDPUB: 152] new book: WHILE THEY KEPT THE FLAG FLYING by Ken Gillings


While they kept the Flag Flying – The Relief of Ladysmith

The Battle of Thukela Heights 13th – 28th February 1900 by Ken Gillings has just been published by Just Done Productions. R100


Whatever the casualties, the Battle of the Thukela Heights was, until the Second World War, arguably the biggest fought by the British in Africa, and until the Falklands war of 1982, the biggest battle fought by the British in the Southern Hemisphere.


This battle paved the way for the development of new battle tactics, which were subsequently used in the great battles in Europe during the First World War. These new tactics involved attacking across a broad front with most of their force and with the infantry and artillery working in close co-operation.


“Ken Gillings is a founder member of the KwaZulu-Natal branch of the S.A. Military History Society, and has been a past Chairman for 6 years. In respect of his contribution to the Society, he was awarded an Honorary Life Membership. Ken is a Registered Tourist Guide and Specialist Battlefield Guide. His knowledge of the Anglo-Boer War and Zulu Wars is amazing, and he has a great skill in interpreting significant battles at each historical site.”

Bob Smith


·        Binding                                 Perfect Bound

·        Colour pages                      8 Colour Pages (with Maps)

·        Cover Type                         Paperback

·        ISBN 13                                 978-1-920315-80-1

·        Lulu                                        ID18951091

·        Number of Pages             86

·        Publication Date               11 March 2012

·        Size                                        A5


To order:

You may pay via credit card using Paypal. EFT is referred to as BANK WIRE on the site.


International clients may order via Lulu or on the Just Done site




Shirene Dovey

Just Done Productions



Monday, February 27, 2012

[JDPUB: 151] new book: FOREST CIRCLE QUEST by Leslie Noble

FOREST CIRCLE QUEST by Leslie Hyla Winton Noble has just been published by Just Done R120


Plump and pathetic percival and patsy parker-pyle are rescued from bullies by - of all things - a talking lamb. He invites them to come to fabulous forest on a quest, cheerfully confessing that it has been foretold that if they do they will be killed any number of times. Surprisingly they agree, and find themselves in peril before even reaching their starting-point.


An enormous lisping ‘knight-adder’ snake and a large serval cat who speaks in rhyme become their companions. Then adventures, surprises and hilarious happenings abound while they struggle to find out what they are supposed to be seeking and somebody strives to stop them. They steadily increase in fitness and confidence – until there is a setback.


As if the marvels of fabulous forest itself are not mind-boggling enough, the quest finally takes them to other dimensions, and to experiences which are wonderful beyond their wildest imaginings.


Reactions to previous books by Leslie Hyla Winton Noble:



‘…delightfully clever, witty and utterly readable…’

‘…you’ll enjoy every minute…’

‘…impossible not to love a story with such wonderful and quirky characters…’

‘…enchanting novel…’



‘   at least two adult chuckles a page...’

‘…devoured both with a giggle around every corner...’

‘…I giggled, guffawed and I cried…’

‘…your books are utterly fantastic…’

‘…my best book ever…’  ‘…rich in adventure and humour…’

‘funny and captivating and adventure everywhere…’


To order

You may pay via credit card using Paypal or EFT (referred to as BANK WIRE)

International clients can order on Lulu


Shirene Dovey

Just Done Productions



Thursday, January 26, 2012

[JDPUB: 150] NEW BOOK: SOMALI KISS by Michael C. Wood


Somali Kiss by Michael C. Wood has been published by Just Done Productions R150


Mike Wood, who lives in Knysna, published his debut novel Warm Heart in 2008. He has now turned a critical eye to Somalia – a failed state which remains in the news for all the wrong reasons - connections to al Qaeda’s terror network, overcrowded refugee camps, widespread drought, crop failure, and piracy. In such a malevolent environment, what chance could there be for love to flourish?


Just Done Productions - Publishing is delighted to announce the publication of Somali Kiss, a gripping page-turner where the action switches intriguingly between Somalia, London and Kenya.


Predicated on a series of extraordinary coincidences, the story contrasts the fortunes of Amina Abdullahi, beautiful daughter of a wealthy Somali merchant, and Stewart Munro, a Scottish tobacco trader. Their paths briefly intertwine in Mogadishu. An unlikely relationship seems on the cards, but circumstances conspire against them. Amina is forced to flee the capital when her brother is embroiled in retaliatory action against soldiers persecuting the Isaq clan. In her bid to reach Kenya’s porous border, Amina falls prey to Somali bandits and seems destined to be trafficked to Djibouti as a sex slave. She is rescued by a Maasai gun-runner (Nimrod) who has his own dark reasons for wanting to bring an end to Somalia’s decaying regime.


The eventual fall of President Siad Barre and the rise of war lords in Mogadishu foreshadow a long period of lawlessness and chaos in Somalia. Amina and Nimrod retreat to the tiny coastal village of Kaambooni. Their relative peace and security is shattered by unexpected external elements, moving the pair in desperation, to embark on their own very different brand of piracy.

Munro’s anguished early efforts to trace Amina are thwarted. As time passes he takes up with a Kenyan beauty (Jamila Ngugi). The couple endure a double tragedy which propels them to leave Africa. But Amina’s involvement in hijacking the Kofi Koranteng has attracted publicity in the international press, and motivates Munro to renew his search for a lost love. When he finally tracks her down in Kaambooni, he finds they have a dangerous acquaintance in common, causing a long suppurating hatred to rise to the surface.


Mike’s first novel was praised as ‘enthralling yet disturbing, packed with excitement and African atmosphere.’ The publishers are confident that readers will find as much and more in Somali Kiss.


To order

Credit card payments may be made via Paypal (the amount will be in dollars)

EFT payments may be made (referred to as BANK WIRE on the site)


Also available internationally on Lulu



Shirene Dovey

Just Done Productions