Thursday, July 24, 2008

[JDPUB: 73] new book: I AM CAPTAIN AND I CAN TALK-Karin Brammann

I am Captain

And I can talk! by Karin Brammann is now available from Just Done Productions – Publishing R95.

This children’s book is a lovely story about a Border collie puppy who goes to a new home on a small farm when he is six weeks old.

Captain learns to live with three older dogs, chickens and horses. In his own words, he relates his experiences and the life lessons he learns from them.

All children love animals, and will relate to Captain’s lessons, which apply almost equally to children and puppies.

The aspiring young dog owner will benefit from the related basic principles of responsible nurturing of a puppy, told in the puppy’s own words.

An easy to read, delightful story, told by a bright young dog, which will captivate the young reader.

Suitable for children from 4 - 9 years of age.

Born in Berlin, Germany, in 1958 Karin Brammann was brought up in an austere household without pets. As a young girl she nurtured a dream of life on a ‘beauty farm’ and

owning her own dog. After qualifying and working as a Beauty therapist, Karin later successfully completed a writer’s course at the Axel Andersson Akademie in Hamburg.

Circumstances and the pressures of raising her 2 young sons restricted her storytelling ambitions to hobby writing.

In 1995 Karin emigrated to South Africa and was able to adopt a year old retriever cross, Bo, from the SPCA, and soon thereafter an abandoned boxer puppy she named Alfi. 8 years later, in 2004, she realized the fulfillment of her childhood dream when she moved onto a smallholding, in the hills of KwaZulu Natal, with her fiancé Tony. Losing Bo to cancer the next year, Karin chose her first Border Collie, a female puppy she named Karla.

Karin and Tony were married in 2007, and share their ‘farm’, Tokaridge, with 2 thoroughbred horses, a flock of laying fowls, and of course their 4 dogs. Karin’s experiences with her dogs, and especially

with Captain, the young Border Collie, inspired her to write this book

A4, FICTION, CHILDREN, 23 pages with colour photographs


Copies of ‘I am Captain and I can talk! ’ can be ordered through Just Done Productions –

Choose ‘catalog’ and follow the instructions….

or for those who would prefer to fax 086 505 2478 or contact John 083 3888 290

If you want it published, it's Just Done !

Shirene Dovey

Just Done Productions cc
P.O. Box 23

Skype ID:


Always have my latest info

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Sunday, July 20, 2008

[JDPUB: 72] A Greater Share of Honour (2nd Edition) by Major Jack Greeff HC, PMM, MMM

A Greater Share of Honour (2nd Edition)
by Major Jack Greeff HC, PMM, MMM has just been published by
Just Done Productions – Publishing.

Price: R280.00

Jack Greeff's story gives a unique glimpse into the life and times of one of the very few elite warriors that we came to know as "recces". These soldiers, correctly known as ‘Special Forces Operators’, were truly special. Their selection was tough (arguably the toughest in the world) with a tiny percentage of those who applied making the grade. Their training was even tougher, culminating in an actual operation against the enemy so that those who were eventually able to wear the Compass Rose and Operator's badge knew that all others who did so had been through the same gruelling selection and training.

Jack was already an accomplished soldier when he first attempted selection. He passed on his second attempt and finally joined this elite brotherhood. His story as related in this book chronicles the many operations in which he participated; from the start of his career in Operation Savannah through to the almost catastrophic battle at Eheki and the months spent as "D Squadron Rhodesian SAS". It also describes various strategic operations such as Amazone, Kerslig and Katiso. A Greater Share of Honour also depicts some of the personal moments between these men – their bravery, their angst and even sense of humour.

As a young Staff Sergeant in the Recces, Jack Greeff became one of the most decorated soldiers in the SADF. Leading two-man reconnaissance patrols deep into enemy held territories and operating under the noses of the enemy, they collected vital strategic information on enemy movements and installations. Using the information gathered, he led raiding parties to the targets to execute what were probably the biggest and most daring acts of sabotage in recent military history.

The author also tells in detail how men, both black and white, trained together and fought a common enemy to create one of the most respected Special Forces units of its time.

By the time he retired as a Major, Jack Greeff was the recipient of the Honoris Crux for valour, the Pro Meritas Medal and the Military Merit Medal.

"Their bravery in action was awesome, and their friendship and loyalty to me a stranger in their land, matched it."
Harry McAllion - author of Killing Zone. Former British Paras, Recce, 22 SAS, RUC.

"And though they are extraordinary proficient in the use of small arms and have conducted some of the hairiest operations in modern warfare, the Recces are far more valuable to the SADF as eyes and ears"
Capt (Ret) Larry Bailey. US Navy SEAL. Soldier of Fortune June 1993.

This is a NEW (second) edition which contains numerous colour photos and has been extensively re-edited and updated.


Jack Greeff

Cover Type




No of Pages




Publication Date

17 July 2008

International version


Copies of ‘A Greater Share of Honour’ can be ordered through the Just Done Productions website –

International purchasers can either order the SA version from the website (which includes the colour photos) or the black and white version from Lulu

Jack is one of the Operators being interviewed on the programme Grensoorlog from KykNET

Spesiale magte, spesiale take ‘n Onkonvensionele oorlog vereis ‘n onkonvensionele reaksie. Teenoor die guerilla-aanslag, stig die SAW ‘n eiesoortige teenvoeter. Ons skets ‘n portret van die elite soldate wat bekend geword het as die “recces”. Die stigter van hierdie eenhede, Jan Breytenbach, en tien ander wat nooit oor hulle werk diep in vyandelike gebied kon praat nie, vertel.

Watch the promo Video

For more books about the Wars in Southern Africa, see the Military books at Just Done Productions

Journey Without Boundaries
Journey Without Boundaries André Diedericks R280.00 R250.00 Buy Now 0.20

Three Frigates - The South African Navy comes of Age
Three Frigates - The South African Navy comes of Age Rear Admiral Chris Bennett R250.00 R240.00 Buy Now 1.80

Borderstrike! South Africa into Angola. 1975-1980
Borderstrike! South Africa into Angola. 1975-1980 Major Willem Steenkamp R240.00 Buy Now 1.80

Bos Toe!
Bos Toe! Nico van der Walt R160.00 R145.00 Buy Now 0.20

Charlie's Omega
Charlie's Omega Danie van den Berg R270.00 Buy Now 0.80

Chopper Pilot: The Adventures and Experiences of Monster Wilkins
Chopper Pilot: The Adventures and Experiences of Monster Wilkins Monster Wilkins R160.00 Buy Now 0.50

Die Roem en die Rou – stories agter Honoris Crux
Die Roem en die Rou – stories agter Honoris Crux At van Wyk R275.00 Buy Now 0.50

Dié wat gewen het
Dié wat gewen het General Jannie Geldenhuys R230.00 R200.00 Buy Now 0.50

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

[JDPUB: 71] NEW BOOK: Selling as a Way of Life - John McDermott

Selling as a Way of Life by John McDermott has just been published by Just Done Productions Publishing. R149

This book is a must for anyone contemplating selling, presently in a selling environment, from the layman up to the Chief Executive and for anyone wanting to learn how to deal and communicate with others, no matter what their vocation.

Selling as a Way of Life has deliberately been written in simple terms to enable all to read it. All that is written is basic and pure logic, but proves that if you have the determination, willpower and dedication, nothing is impossible. The cartoons included add a light hearted aspect and make the book more accessible or appealing to the broader market.

All the ideas, the do's and don'ts, are those of the author alone, from his own personal experiences, having personally been in the selling environment for some 48 years. If you go through each of the chapters and are aware of the daily do's and don'ts, your success rate will be phenomenal.

For the layman, those who never learned the basics, and for those who have forgotten the basics of selling, you must crawl before you can walk. This book is for those to read before venturing into sophisticated sales courses or before reading the many sales books available, which are mainly for the professionals. Most courses and books on selling, tell you "What to do,” not "How to do it". This book firstly tells you "How to do it" in simple terms and then tells you "What to do.” It tells of the "behaviour" of a salesperson and will benefit anyone even if only just wanting to ‘sell’ themselves to others.

What this book will do for you is to help you to become the perfect salesperson by:

· Teaching you about you and yourself - Grooming, dress, speaking, appropriate language, avoiding bad habits, manners and personal fitness.

· Selling yourself to your potential or existing clients. Such as arriving on time, dealing with receptionists/secretary, visiting and leaving your potential or existing clients, entertaining, giving presents and gifts.

· Learn from many actual case studies personally experienced by the author.

· “How to sell” by being given many ideas on; how to stimulate sales, what to do when you lose a sale, admired or not admired qualities of a salesperson, ways of improving to be the perfect salesperson.

· Success principles, how to use your time imaginatively and productively, planning your every day.

· Some other ideas to help you with your sales career such as presentations, sales seminars, manning stands at trade shows. How to deal with/ treat your boss, how to write a business letter, compile a C.V., how to prepare for a job interview, telephone manners and useful tips, preparing a strategic plan, sportsmanship etc, the lifetime value of a customer.

· A short summary telling how you can be the perfect salesperson.

A book for all and sundry to teach us on how to behave with our fellow beings, be it socially, be it in the work place or be it with marketing and sales.”

Although I am not a Salesperson I run my own business and I learnt so much – this is a book to have in your office and on your bedside table – you need to remind yourself of the basic principles every day so that you ‘sell’ yourself to your customers and your loved ones- in business and in private- with integrity and success!”


John McDermott has always concluded the most and largest contracts for every company he has been involved with, be it a large corporate company, medium size, or his own company due to the ability of selling himself.

His mother was South African and his father an American diplomat. He was educated at Michaelhouse College, attended a Naval College in the U.S.A. and studied at the University of Cape Town.

He has travelled the world extensively. A very keen sportsman, John has entered and completed many Comrades Marathons, together with cycle tours such as the Argus and Tour De Natal.

A4, 224 pages, Perfect Bound

Keywords: Marketing, Sales, Public Relations, Self-improvement, Business, Tourism Industry, Government Services, Hospitality Industry

Copies of ‘Selling as a Way of Life’ can be ordered through Just Done Productions –

Choose ‘catalog’ and follow the instructions….

or for those who would prefer to fax 086 505 2478 or contact John 083 3888 290

International sales –go to the Just Done site and click on the book details –find the Lulu ID field below the description of the book and click on the number next to Lulu ID OR

If you want it published, it's Just Done !

Shirene Dovey

Just Done Productions cc
P.O. Box 23

Skype ID:


Always have my latest info

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Monday, July 14, 2008


die engel in die hangkas geskryf deur Rona Marx is nou by Just Done Productions - Publishing beskikbaar. R85

Illustrasies - Celeste Viljoen


Daar is ‘n engel in die hangkas in Jemma se kamer en sy het baie om te sê. die engel in die hangkas is ‘n pragtig geïllustreerde boek vir jonger kinders waarin ‘n meisiekind vir die eerste keer kennis maak met haar beskermengel. Dit gaan oor ‘n kind, ‘n mamma, ‘n engel en ‘n kat en ook oor spirituele gewaarwording en sielslesse. ‘n Pragboek vir kinders wat begin vrae vra oor die betekenis van die lewe en hulle plek daarin.


“….Jemma spring uit die bed en hardloop kombuis toe, waar sy nou haar mamma hoor ontbyt maak.

Haar mamma lag toe Jemma in haar arms inspring en haar ‘n ekstra-stywe druk gee. “Ek is lief vir jou, Mamma!” roep Jemma uitbundig uit.

“En ek is lief vir jou, my Jemmie-Jem!” sê haar mamma saggies teen Jemma se wang. Gedurende ontbyt vertel Jemma vir haar mamma van die engel.

“Ek is bly jy het haar nou al ontmoet!” roep haar mamma bly uit.

“Dit het my baie lank gevat en ek was al groot voordat ek my eie beskermengel ontmoet het. As jy mooi kyk, sal jy haar daar bo-op die yskas sien sit.”


24 bladsye, kleur illustrasies




Kies ‘catalog’en volg instruksies
vir mense wat nie toegang tot die internet het nie,

kontak ons via fax/ faks 086 505 2478 of John 083 3888 290

Internasionale bestellings


If you want it published, it's Just Done !


Shirene Dovey

Just Done Productions cc
P.O. Box 23

Skype ID:



Always have my latest info

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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

[JDPUB: 69] PRESS RELEASE: Falling leaves and Mountain Ashes by Brenda George

You may wish to purchase Falling Leaves and Mountain Ashes – The Story of a Mountain by Brenda George now on the Just Done Productions - Publishing website for R190











“Starting in 1899, this 40-year saga is about a brave young mountain woman, Mary Harley, who elopes with Zachary Thomas to the dreaded Claw Mountains.

The mountain is inhabited by a wild, violent and lawless clan known as the “Buckos,” who are engaged in a vicious 30-year feud with the neighbouring Galtreys.

The fiercely independent mountain people lead tough, frugal loves, bravely facing all the hazards of Nature, but none of them is prepared for the most devastating blow

of all to their loved lifestyle….With undertones of the mystical and the spiritual, this story is set against an authentic background of Blue Ridge mountain life and

is a rich weave of humour and heartache, love and violence, courage and brutality, feuds and strong family ties and is set amongst the raw, unspoiled beauty of

the Blue Ridge Mountains…”


Brenda George grew up in Northern Rhodesia/Zambia and now lives in Pietermaritzburg. She has been a freelance editor for 36 years, a literary agent, a convenor

of novel writing workshops and a novel-writer of longstanding. She edited the international best-seller, “A Man Cannot Cry,” and the recently released

“The Divine Dawning,” both of which were written by her sister, Gloria Keverne.

In 1982, Brenda started writing after having two very powerful realistic dreams, one week apart. The first gave her, her main characters, and the second, her story.

The day after the second dream, she started writing and she hasn’t stopped since. “Falling Leaves and Mountain Ashes,” was seven years in the writing,

and was researched from 1981. It is the first book of a 5-book series.


Brenda George weaves an elaborate tapestry of rich, compelling characters, and a passionate story of love, courage, violence, heartache and humor. Her writing is lyrical and visual – a movie in the making! Don’t miss this compelling, page-turning read! Annette Handley-Chandler – ex-literary agent, Hollywood screenplay agent, Emmy Award winning producer, writer, USA.



Highly detailed description promotes accessible imagery for the reader, and the inclusion of emotive historical facts sets the scene for a story told in a wild but picturesque landscape. A simple and rustic way of life is slowly revealed to the reader, reinforced by accented  speech and  a  meticulously described lifestyle. The encounter at the store is artfully written, and assists in building empathy with the characters, whose natures and motivations are both shown and implied through nuance and narration … This story is told in a highly convincing manner, and the relationships between characters are starkly and realistically portrayed.  This engagement with the story made it compelling reading, and aroused curiosity as to how the plot would unfold. Excellent writing. Highly publishable.’ Editorial Committee  – South Africa

‘In my younger years, when I got hold of a novel that interested me, I would read it nonstop until I had finished it. This hasn’t happened for me for many, many years – until I started reading Brenda George’s “Falling Leaves and Mountain Ashes.” 


I was fascinated, intrigued, from the very start of the book. I read it all day, sitting outside in a comfortable chair beneath a canopy of trees. The light was good, the read was excellent.  I stopped very occasionally for a cup of tea, a light lunch, a bite of supper. I continued sitting outside, reading, even as the light faded and the words were barely visible. I just had to know what happened! I was intrigued, wondering what would happen next, alarmed at the violent mountain characters that would shoot a person as easily as drawing breath, pleased with the underlying story of the clan’s gradual upliftment.


The characters are indelible - so alive, so real, her background so precisely drawn that I was there, with them, where it was all happening, transported to a place and an era that was new to me, yet it was all as vivid as if I had been living in the early 1900’s in the Blue Ridge Mountains.


Each of the main characters has a real life that is vivid and memorable. They live fully on the pages, their lives complex yet understandable, all the different elements of the tale finally weaving together into a really satisfying whole. The setting is there, stark, easy to visualize, the rugged mountains, the isolation, the strength of character that develops as companion to these elements. These such believable characters nevertheless hide secrets until it is time to let them out. What a great movie this book will make!


I had a tremendous feeling for this book that drew me along irresistibly as it told the story. Although one of violence and cruelty, it was so positive and gripping that I simply could not put it down. An incredible writer and great story teller, Brenda has woven a novel in which the goodness of the main woman character of Mary shines through, detailing the effects she had on these wild cruel murderous mountain men and their families that she found on the wild and lonely Claw Mountain, her many struggles to overcome their appalling brutality and ignorance, and her eventual triumph

Felicity Keats

Publisher, right-brain specialist, writer - South Africa

A surprising choice of novel by a South African author, this is a compelling and realistic portrayal of life on the Blue Ridge Mountains, Virginia, in the early 1900's. 

Beautifully constructed, this book tells the tale of the formation of the Shenandoah National Park, the ‘Mountain Folk' that lived there, the inter-clan fighting, the fierce family loyalties, and the gradual exposure to a more sophisticated life off the mountains. There is an inspirational message in the story of how a young girl goes to live amongst these people, and spends her life trying to better their world - to finally one day they are forced to leave their beloved home.

Well researched, thus historically correct, this is the first of a 5 part saga. The descriptions of the forests take the reader out of this world and into theirs where eagles soar and leaves changed colour with the seasons.  Lesley Thomson – Talking Travel/The Lazy Lizard Book Traders

KZN-based author Brenda George brings us a riveting tale of the hardships with which the mountain folk of Virginia have to contend with intermingled with the breathtaking beauty of the area. “Falling leaves and Mountain Ashes”, the first in a series of five books, holds the reader enrapt while stimulating the imagination as to the conditions with which she contends – whether it be the soaring and protectiveness of the eagles which hide her mountain enclave or the dirt and squalor within which the Buckos reside. Feuds, lawlessness, illegal trade of moonshine and more …

I guarantee that once you begin reading you will not want to put it down. The Zululand Observer


FICTION  455 pages


Copies of ‘Falling Leaves and Mountain Ashes’ can be ordered through Just Done Productions –

Choose ‘catalog’ and follow the instructions….

or for those who would prefer to fax 086 505 2478 or contact John 083 3888 290


If you want it published, it's Just Done !


Shirene Dovey

Just Done Productions cc
P.O. Box 23

Skype ID:



Always have my latest info

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