Thursday, July 26, 2007

Press Release: Oom Grompie - Luister mooi

Just Done Publishing 

Just Done Productions Publishing stel die nuwe Afrikaanse boek vir kinders Oom Grompie – Luister mooi bekend.
Oom Grompie - Luister Mooi Hierdie boek is die eerste in ‘n reeks oor Oom Grompie, ‘n bejaarde pensionares wat vir alles – sy kinders en die lewe in die algemeen – kwaad is. ‘n Onverwagte besoeker bring vir hom ‘n boodskap. Oom Grompie leer hoe belangrik dit is om jou liefde vir dié waarvoor jy omgee, te toon.
Die skrywer, Gerrie Hugo, is van die opinie dat hierdie boek 'n kinderstorie is, maar ook 'n belangrike boodskap inhou vir alle Afrikaanssprekende mans wat tog so met hulle emosies sukkel.
Die boek is beskikbaar vanaf die web op in Suid Afrika en op vir internasionale verkope
Prys: R40
Kinders vanaf 5-10 en 25+ sal dit geniet!

Geïllustreer deur Shirene Dovey

Just Done Productions Publishing would like to announce the release of a new Afrikaans book for children- Oom Grompie –Luister mooi.
This is the first in a series of books about Oom Grompie.
Oom Grompie -Luister mooi tells the story of a miserable old pensioner who is disgruntled with his children and life in general. An unexpected visitor brings meaning to his life again and helps him to discover the importance of sharing your love for your loved ones.
The author, Gerrie Hugo, feels that the although the book is a children's story, it is aimed primarily at Afrikaans speaking adult males who struggle so much with their emotions .
The book is available for purchase from the website in South Africa and from internationally.
Children ages 5-10 and 25 + will enjoy this book.
Price R40
Illustrator: Shirene Dovey



Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.
Just Done Productions cc
Cell: 083-3888290
Fax: 086-5052478 Just Done Productions Website Just Done Productions books on

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Friday, July 20, 2007

Press Release: Rhodesian Air Force Operations with Airstrike Log by Prop Geldenhuys

Just Done Publishing 

Just Done Productions would like to announce the release of a new book : Rhodesian Air Force Operations with Airstrike log by Prop Geldenhuys.

Rhodesian Air Force Log Front CoverThis book records the operations of the Rhodesian Air Force. It includes a complete log of all the airstrikes carried out as well as maps where these strikes have been meticously plotted. The maps are printed in full colour. There are numerous black and white photographs that illustrate the text.

From the forward by Air Vice-Marshal Hugh Clarke Scudamore Slatter

"I am always impressed by those who have the skill, creativity and determination to record a history of important events in a readable, interesting form so that the history will not be forgotten and so that others may get so much enjoyment from it.
This book by Prop Geldenhuys  does just that. It is the result of many hours of effort and research, determination and patience, creativity and sensitivity that will be valuable not only to those directly involved with this period in Southern Africa, but to all who read it.
Prop’s book joins a growing number of fine, new books set in Southern Africa and deals with the history of various aspects of life in the country and especially life in the latter half of the 20th century. These books are a valuable record, but also play an important role in the remedial process to assuage the pain that many of us who live, or lived, in Africa still feel at this time. Hopefully, they also help awaken the World to the realities of life in Southern Africa in the 20th/21st centuries."

Prop joined the Rhodesian Air Force in 1962 as a young hopeful to attend "No 16 Pilot Training Course". He flew during the entire period covered by this book and is thus eminently qualified to write about this subject.

As Group Captain Tol Janeke writes in the introduction:

"... He has painstakingly and methodically recorded the history, not only of the airmen who were privileged to fly the aircraft involved in the air strikes, but so many others.
... Here are the names of soldiers, policemen and internal affairs, men and women who added to the often unheralded courage behind the exciting story of these air strikes.  The troops on the ground and those that flew in our aircraft with us, some of whom hated leaving their own familiar environment on the ground and in the bush.


To those historians and collectors of militaria, this book is one that fills in much detail. It shows how operations  started slowly and built up to a situation where virtually the entire country became involved.  The mass of little numbered dots on the maps shows the position of widespread strikes in all the operational areas."

Author at Virginia Air Show with bookThe first copies of this book were on sale at the Virginia Air Show in Durban and the first copy was sold with the sound of a Mirage's engine rumbling overhead as it performed aerobatics. An entirely appropriate occasion.

This book is available for purchase from Just Done Productions, at International purchasers can buy a copy from although they should be aware that only the South African version's maps are in colour.

Author "Prop" Preller Geldenhuys
Cover Type Paperback
ISBN-13 978-1-920169-61-9
No of Pages 296
Size A4
Publication Date 13 July 2007
South Africa Rhodesian Air Force Operations
Price R320.00 (subject to change)

Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.
Just Done Productions cc
Cell: 083-3888290
Fax: 086-5052478 Just Done Productions Website Just Done Productions books on

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Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Press Release: The Strange Tale of Ruby Devenpeck by Anne Whittle

Just Done Publishing 

The Strange Tale of Ruby DevenpeckJust Done Productions would like to announce the release of the "Strange Tale of Ruby Devenpeck" and the companion book "Delilah's Alibi: Ruby’s Poetry and Lyrics Journal" by Anne Whittle.

This novella was written and submitted as part of the Human and Rousseau / You / SABC Education/RSG's 2006 "I'm a writer" competition.  " The Strange Tale of Ruby Devenpeck" was short listed in the  top 6  English submissions.

The story has a strong South African flavour, and is aimed at the teenage female market. In spite of this, the story does have  an appeal to a broader audience -because it is multi-layered and anyone looking back at their youth will recognise universal themes; of coming of age, of love, of death, of growth and discovery.

Ruby's story is a mystery and a journey, a story of a 17 year old girl who is growing up in a small town in South Africa. We meet a variety of characters, some interesting, some despicable, although one of the delights of Ruby's story is that sometimes the most attractive characters harbour the deepest secrets.
Ruby's love of music and language is evident throughout the novel.  Delilah's AlibiThe music Ruby listens to and the discussions she has, as well as  her performance in her band, Delilah's Alibi create the sense of a movie soundtrack playing in the background. This soundtrack is a reflection of contemporary South African culture with an added sprinkling of global influences.
The story of Ruby's adventures and her journey of discovery, is indeed a strange tale and the surprises and twist of the plot continue right until a most surprising ending.

Ruby blogs at 

Ruby's poetry and lyrics are spread through the novel like the leavening in bread, and they are collated in the companion book "Delilah's Alibi: Ruby’s Poetry and Lyrics Journal".

Beauty Queen

 I’m all smoke and mirrors

And a touch of the cryptic

The mascara militia’s always after my lipstick

I’m fifty years ahead

And a couple of notes behind

Its not always fair

But you have to be cruel to be kind

My mask is pretty, it’s ugly and it’s quaint

It’s made of skin and bone

And lashings of war paint

But if you look closer

Beyond the lies you’re fed

You’ll see the real me

Hanging by a thread


International orders:

Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.
Just Done Productions cc
Cell: 083-3888290
Fax: 086-5052478 Just Done Productions Website Just Done Productions books on

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Monday, July 02, 2007

Pers Vrystelling: Klippekou deur Frans Botes

Just Done Publishing 

Just Done Productions wil graag die vrystelling van 'n nuwe boek aankondig: Klippekou deur Frans Botes.
KlippekouDie skrywer is ‘n voormalige kolonel van die ou SA Weermag se dae. Agv swak gesondheid moes hy die SAW verlaat in 1990, kort voordat hy ‘n pos in die buiteland sou aanvaar.

In November 2004 beleef hy ‘n ernstige terugslag, tot so ‘n mate dat ‘n sekere spesialis in Engeland hom slegs een jaar gee om te bly lewe.

Hierdie is ‘n versameling van nuusbriewe en stories wat die skrywer vir een jaar deel met sy vriende, kollegas en familie wat hom en sy gesin in moeilike tye getrou bystaan. Die leser sal soms ervaar hoe die skrywer stoei met homself, sy siekte, sy desperaatheid, vrese en sy omstandighede, maar telkens kom hy opnuut tot die besef dat sy heil slegs in God te vinde is. Die een oomblik gaan dit fisies met hom baie goed, net om dan weer die volgende oomblik in die hospitaal te beland. Sy gesondheid ry die hele tyd wipplank, so ook sy gemoed.

Hierdie verhaal is nie om aan ander Christene voor te skryf hoe om te leef nie. Dit is slegs die klankbord van ‘n soldaat wat sy lewe voluit gelewe het en nou in moeilike tye klippe gekou het om te oorleef. Dit is sy getuienis.

Internasionale bestellings en plaaslike bestellings

Author Frans Botes
Cover Type Paperback
ISBN-13 978-1-920169-60-2
No of Pages 123
Size A5
Publication Date 27 June 2007
Lulu ID 884060

Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.
Just Done Productions cc
Cell: 083-3888290
Fax: 086-5052478 Just Done Productions Website Just Done Productions books on

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Sunday, July 01, 2007

Press Release : The Silver Chrysalis by Sam Sterban

Just Done Publishing 

Just Done Productions would like to announce the release of The Silver Chrysalis by Sam Sterban


Silver Chrysalis by Sam SterbanThe Silver Chrysalis” is a modern fable set in the beguiling atmosphere of 21st century Greece. It describes with a gentle and sympathetic touch, the unfolding of a deep and loving  relationship between an enchanting woman and an older man - two superficially sophisticated people who, despite their cosmopolitan charm, are burdened by doubt and insecurity.

During a journey that takes them from the clamour of Athens to the rural tranquillity of Cephalonia, their familiar and comfortable worlds are changed irrevocably.

The story contains essential and familiar elements of classical works - comedy and tragedy, drama and pathos. The author’s style is romantically sensual, whether he is describing Greek food and drink, music and dance, the evocative and unchanging land and seascapes or the physical relationship that develops between the hero and heroine. Serious moments are suddenly enlightened by quiet shafts of humour and there are hilarious interludes during which the dialogue verges on the outrageous while subtly casting a spotlight on sexual exploitation and hypocrisy. 

The reader will be captivated by the author’s powerful descriptive writing and lured into a sun drenched idyll that gives no warning of impending tragedy that is, initially, only vaguely sensed like the distant rumble of thunder on a hot, still afternoon..

The author was educated at Stellenbosch and Oxford universities and spent 32 years in the South African foreign service. He has lived, worked and travelled in Africa, Europe, the Americas and Asia and has accompanied an expedition to Antarctica and the sub antarctic islands. He has written numerous travel articles. The "Silver Chrysalis" is his first work of fiction.

International orders may be placed on and South African orders on 


Author Sam Sterban
Cover Type Paperback
ISBN-13 978-1-9201-6959-6
No of Pages 129
Size A5
Publication Date 27 June 2007
Lulu ID 961781

Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.
Just Done Productions cc
Cell: 083-3888290
Fax: 086-5052478 Just Done Productions Website Just Done Productions books on

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