Friday, March 30, 2007

Press Release: Askies, Meneer Wikkelspies - Rona Marx

Just Done Publishing 

Just Done Productions – Publishing would like to announce the release of a new book –Askies, Meneer Wikkelspies by Rona Marx. This volume of poetry is written in Afrikaans.

Askies, Meneer Wikkelspies by Rona Marx - Front CoverThe poems are rooted in contemporary culture – titled ‘Afrikaners is Plesierig’, ‘Die Taal’, ‘Straatvrou’ and ‘Engel van die Sand’ to name a few. The multi-layered poems cover a range of experiences from the struggles of life, love, pure joy to spiritual awakening. The author demonstrates her love for the Afrikaans language through her sense of delight in the power and meaning of words.

 "Daar is niks nuuts onder die son nie. Tóg tree daar so dan en wan ‘n stem na vore met ‘n vars perspektief op die alledaagse. Iemand wat dieper kan sien as net die gewone, en dit vir die leser kan vertaal; kan beskryf.

In haar eerste samevatting van gedigte, skets Rona Marx haar wêreld in eg-Afrikaans. Sommige woorde sal die leser byderwets vind, maar ander,  amper-vergete woorde is afgestof en blink gepoets en gebruik op ‘n manier wat ons herinner aan die uitdrukkingskrag, die rondheid, die kreatiwiteit, van die Afrikaanse Taal.

Hier sal die leser ‘n spektrum ondervindings en beskrywings vind: liefde, swaarkry, spirituele ontwaking, hartseer, vreugde sonder grense… En elkers diep getref word deur laag op laag betekenis en beskrywing."

Geniet die twee gedigtes van die boek / Enjoy these two poems from the book:

Die Taal
Ek verheug my in
Die taal
Van my Siembamba dae
Wat my tong laat rol
En my keelgat bevry
Vir jare het ek geswerf
Verkies om daai universele taal
Te praat en te droom
Want vir té lank was jy verkrag
Misbruik tot die voordeel
Van mense wat jou wou inspan
Om te haat
Te vernietig
Te mishandel
Maar ons twee is terug
En ons maak weer kennis
Ek ontdek en onthou jou weer
Dag vir dag
Oomblik vir oomblik
Jy bevry my tong;
My siel
Ek kan weer vryelik uitdrukking gee
Uitdrukking gee
Aan my binneste
Die gevoelens wat opborrel uit my maag
En ek is bly jy’s terug
En ek is bly ek’s terug
O skone Taal
Mooie tongval
Van hier af stap ons twee saam
Die toekoms in.

Ag, verskoon tog
Jy sit altyd i before e, except after c en onthou tog om jou t’s ge-cross en jou i’s ge-dot te kry
Voor jy kan keer stuur hy vir jou ‘n e-mail en jy trap die clutch
En jy wonder wat is die beste Cee-Dee om te koop vir die paartie
en solank dit tog net leather seats het
en moet net nie vergeet hoe cool dit jou gaan maak voel nie
Maar die lewe in die Nuwe Suid-Afrika is amazing soos paptert en Nkosi Sikelel’ en alles
en maak tog seker die kinners gaan Crawford toe
En moet tog net nie die Taal te suiwer praat nie,
want dis mos die language van die oppressor
en ons moet mos maar altyd en vir ewig skaam bly
en die kruis dra en askies sê
Probeer tog om nie met té veel van ‘n Afrikaanse aksent te praat nie –
probeer maar eerder soos ‘n Ingelsman klink
Want dit is die stront innie mond vannie môre stond
Want die taxman gaan jou bliksem
en die spietkop gaan jou vang
as jy daai pirate DVD’s koop by die hawker op die hoek van die straat
Vir ewig en altyd in jou moer in

 This book is available in South Africa from the Just Done Productions webpage at for R60.00 (ex p&p)

Author Rona Marx
Cover Type Paperback
ISBN-10 1-920169-50-4
ISBN-13 978-1-920169-50-3
No of Pages 28
Size A5
Publication Date 30 March 2007
Lulu ID 767458

























Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.
Just Done Productions cc
Cell: 083-3888290
Fax: 086-5052478 Just Done Productions Website Just Done Productions books on

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Press Release: Askies, Meneer Wikkelspies - Rona Marx

Just Done Publishing 

Just Done Productions – Publishing would like to announce the release of a new book –Askies, Meneer Wikkelspies by Rona Marx. This volume of poetry is written in Afrikaans.

Askies, Meneer Wikkelspies by Rona Marx - Front CoverThe poems are rooted in contemporary culture – titled ‘Afrikaners is Plesierig’, ‘Die Taal’, ‘Straatvrou’ and ‘Engel van die Sand’ to name a few. The multi-layered poems cover a range of experiences from the struggles of life, love, pure joy to spiritual awakening. The author demonstrates her love for the Afrikaans language through her sense of delight in the power and meaning of words.

 "Daar is niks nuuts onder die son nie. Tóg tree daar so dan en wan ‘n stem na vore met ‘n vars perspektief op die alledaagse. Iemand wat dieper kan sien as net die gewone, en dit vir die leser kan vertaal; kan beskryf.

In haar eerste samevatting van gedigte, skets Rona Marx haar wêreld in eg-Afrikaans. Sommige woorde sal die leser byderwets vind, maar ander,  amper-vergete woorde is afgestof en blink gepoets en gebruik op ‘n manier wat ons herinner aan die uitdrukkingskrag, die rondheid, die kreatiwiteit, van die Afrikaanse Taal.

Hier sal die leser ‘n spektrum ondervindings en beskrywings vind: liefde, swaarkry, spirituele ontwaking, hartseer, vreugde sonder grense… En elkers diep getref word deur laag op laag betekenis en beskrywing."

Geniet die twee gedigtes van die boek / Enjoy these two poems from the book:

Die Taal
Ek verheug my in
Die taal
Van my Siembamba dae
Wat my tong laat rol
En my keelgat bevry
Vir jare het ek geswerf
Verkies om daai universele taal
Te praat en te droom
Want vir té lank was jy verkrag
Misbruik tot die voordeel
Van mense wat jou wou inspan
Om te haat
Te vernietig
Te mishandel
Maar ons twee is terug
En ons maak weer kennis
Ek ontdek en onthou jou weer
Dag vir dag
Oomblik vir oomblik
Jy bevry my tong;
My siel
Ek kan weer vryelik uitdrukking gee
Uitdrukking gee
Aan my binneste
Die gevoelens wat opborrel uit my maag
En ek is bly jy’s terug
En ek is bly ek’s terug
O skone Taal
Mooie tongval
Van hier af stap ons twee saam
Die toekoms in.

Ag, verskoon tog
Jy sit altyd i before e, except after c en onthou tog om jou t’s ge-cross en jou i’s ge-dot te kry
Voor jy kan keer stuur hy vir jou ‘n e-mail en jy trap die clutch
En jy wonder wat is die beste Cee-Dee om te koop vir die paartie
en solank dit tog net leather seats het
en moet net nie vergeet hoe cool dit jou gaan maak voel nie
Maar die lewe in die Nuwe Suid-Afrika is amazing soos paptert en Nkosi Sikelel’ en alles
en maak tog seker die kinners gaan Crawford toe
En moet tog net nie die Taal te suiwer praat nie,
want dis mos die language van die oppressor
en ons moet mos maar altyd en vir ewig skaam bly
en die kruis dra en askies sê
Probeer tog om nie met té veel van ‘n Afrikaanse aksent te praat nie –
probeer maar eerder soos ‘n Ingelsman klink
Want dit is die stront innie mond vannie môre stond
Want die taxman gaan jou bliksem
en die spietkop gaan jou vang
as jy daai pirate DVD’s koop by die hawker op die hoek van die straat
Vir ewig en altyd in jou moer in

 This book is available in South Africa from the Just Done Productions webpage at for R60.00 (ex p&p)

Author Rona Marx
Cover Type Paperback
ISBN-10 1-920169-50-4
ISBN-13 978-1-920169-50-3
No of Pages 28
Size A5
Publication Date 30 March 2007
Lulu ID 767458

























Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.
Just Done Productions cc
Cell: 083-3888290
Fax: 086-5052478 Just Done Productions Website Just Done Productions books on

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Powered by PHPlist2.10.3, &copy tincan ltd

Monday, March 12, 2007

Press Release: "Biblical Weather Check" and "Paeans of Praise"

Just Done Publishing 

Just Done Productions would like to announce the publication of two new books. These books are available for purchase from the Just Done Website

Biblical Weather-Forecast: An Imperative Reality Check

This book is A MUST READ for all Christians who truly desire an objective, candid analysis of what the Lord Jesus Christ had to say regarding the tribulation and the great tribulation that His followers would experience in this world as a result of their faith in Him, stripped of all sugar-coating and wishful thinking.

Biblical Weather-Forecast: An Imperative Reality Check Available from Just Done Productions

The Lord Jesus Christ warned the Christian church at Thyatira that if they did not repent of following the doctrines of Jezebel, He Himself would throw them into GREAT TRIBULATION.  This is one of the only three passages in the New Testament which speaks about GREAT tribulation.  Another one speaks about a great multitude of saints in heaven who had come out of the GREAT tribulation, and one other is where the Lord Jesus Christ speaks about GREAT tribulation at the end of the age, immediately before His second coming.

Using columns to compare various Biblical passages, "Biblical Weather Forecast.  An Imperative Reality Check" is a thorough, objective analysis of New and Old Testament passages which speak about GREAT tribulation, the WRATH of God coming upon the world, and "the great and terrible day of the LORD".  The startling discovery is made that 27 out of 29 New Testament references to "tribulation" or "affliction" - including the only three New Testament references to GREAT tribulation - are in the context of the followers of Jesus at the hand of the people and authorities of this world.  The columns show that what the New Testament refers to 33 times as the WRATH of God coming upon the world, correlates with what the Old Testament refers to as "the great and terrible day of the LORD", and that this wrath follows on the heels of GREAT tribulation suffered by the followers of Jesus immediately before their resurrection and removal into heaven, and the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Ananias Laos is a committed Christian and family man who grew up in a gold-mining town not too far from Johannesburg, South Africa.  As a young adult Ananias followed his father's beliefs in the Eastern philosophical concepts of reincarnation, the evolution of the soul, Karma and Nirvana.  In his late twenties, Ananias had the same "born-again" experience described by so many Christians who, until they were "born-again", had not believed in Jesus Christ or the Bible.  This experience completely changed Ananias's thinking forever, and caused a 180-degree about-turn with regard to his attitude toward the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible.  Decades later, Ananias now lives with his wife in Cape Town and has, like a number of his Christian friends, become deeply alarmed and concerned about the teaching in all too many Christian churches, denominations and movements with respect to the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ about the tribulation and great tribulation which Jesus said His followers would experience in this world as a result of their faith in Him.

Author Ananias Laos
Cover Type Paperback
ISBN-10 1-920169-39-3
ISBN-13 978-1-920169-39-8
No of Pages 123
Size A5
Publication Date 12 March 2007
Lulu ID 688688

Paeans of Praise

Paeans of Praise - Jessica Braid Available from Just Done Productions at Braid has written a book of 18 inspirational poems. She states: "I have been a Christian since childhood thanks to my loving mother and I am amazed every day by the wonders of God's love. He has brought my family through many trials and tribulations and He has inspired me to write these poems to hopefully show others and bring them closer to God."

This is a great gift for someone who needs to be inspired again and remember why they are a Christian.

Here is a sample of her poetry:



The question is why?

The answer, who knows

No matter how hard we try

Life still gives you some hard blows


But it's no matter

For God is always with you

Take what is put on your platter

For the victory is always in view


He will never leave you, nor forsake

This is the promise He gives

Put aside what you feel is at stake

For the Father in Heaven who lives


Blessings and riches you will receive

From the Heavenly Father above

All He asks is that you believe

And show Him how much you can love.

Author Jessica Braid
Cover Type Paperback
ISBN-10 1-920169-41-5
ISBN-13 978-1-920169-41-1
No of Pages 24
Size A5
Publication Date 8 March 2007
Lulu ID 726507

Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.
Just Done Productions cc
Cell: 083-3888290
Fax: 086-5052478 Just Done Productions Website Just Done Productions books on

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Press Release: "Biblical Weather Check" and "Paeans of Praise"

Just Done Publishing 

Just Done Productions would like to announce the publication of two new books. These books are available for purchase from the Just Done Website

Biblical Weather-Forecast: An Imperative Reality Check

This book is A MUST READ for all Christians who truly desire an objective, candid analysis of what the Lord Jesus Christ had to say regarding the tribulation and the great tribulation that His followers would experience in this world as a result of their faith in Him, stripped of all sugar-coating and wishful thinking.

Biblical Weather-Forecast: An Imperative Reality Check Available from Just Done Productions

The Lord Jesus Christ warned the Christian church at Thyatira that if they did not repent of following the doctrines of Jezebel, He Himself would throw them into GREAT TRIBULATION.  This is one of the only three passages in the New Testament which speaks about GREAT tribulation.  Another one speaks about a great multitude of saints in heaven who had come out of the GREAT tribulation, and one other is where the Lord Jesus Christ speaks about GREAT tribulation at the end of the age, immediately before His second coming.

Using columns to compare various Biblical passages, "Biblical Weather Forecast.  An Imperative Reality Check" is a thorough, objective analysis of New and Old Testament passages which speak about GREAT tribulation, the WRATH of God coming upon the world, and "the great and terrible day of the LORD".  The startling discovery is made that 27 out of 29 New Testament references to "tribulation" or "affliction" - including the only three New Testament references to GREAT tribulation - are in the context of the followers of Jesus at the hand of the people and authorities of this world.  The columns show that what the New Testament refers to 33 times as the WRATH of God coming upon the world, correlates with what the Old Testament refers to as "the great and terrible day of the LORD", and that this wrath follows on the heels of GREAT tribulation suffered by the followers of Jesus immediately before their resurrection and removal into heaven, and the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Ananias Laos is a committed Christian and family man who grew up in a gold-mining town not too far from Johannesburg, South Africa.  As a young adult Ananias followed his father's beliefs in the Eastern philosophical concepts of reincarnation, the evolution of the soul, Karma and Nirvana.  In his late twenties, Ananias had the same "born-again" experience described by so many Christians who, until they were "born-again", had not believed in Jesus Christ or the Bible.  This experience completely changed Ananias's thinking forever, and caused a 180-degree about-turn with regard to his attitude toward the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible.  Decades later, Ananias now lives with his wife in Cape Town and has, like a number of his Christian friends, become deeply alarmed and concerned about the teaching in all too many Christian churches, denominations and movements with respect to the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ about the tribulation and great tribulation which Jesus said His followers would experience in this world as a result of their faith in Him.

Author Ananias Laos
Cover Type Paperback
ISBN-10 1-920169-39-3
ISBN-13 978-1-920169-39-8
No of Pages 123
Size A5
Publication Date 12 March 2007
Lulu ID 688688

Paeans of Praise

Paeans of Praise - Jessica Braid Available from Just Done Productions at Braid has written a book of 18 inspirational poems. She states: "I have been a Christian since childhood thanks to my loving mother and I am amazed every day by the wonders of God's love. He has brought my family through many trials and tribulations and He has inspired me to write these poems to hopefully show others and bring them closer to God."

This is a great gift for someone who needs to be inspired again and remember why they are a Christian.

Here is a sample of her poetry:



The question is why?

The answer, who knows

No matter how hard we try

Life still gives you some hard blows


But it's no matter

For God is always with you

Take what is put on your platter

For the victory is always in view


He will never leave you, nor forsake

This is the promise He gives

Put aside what you feel is at stake

For the Father in Heaven who lives


Blessings and riches you will receive

From the Heavenly Father above

All He asks is that you believe

And show Him how much you can love.

Author Jessica Braid
Cover Type Paperback
ISBN-10 1-920169-41-5
ISBN-13 978-1-920169-41-1
No of Pages 24
Size A5
Publication Date 8 March 2007
Lulu ID 726507

Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.
Just Done Productions cc
Cell: 083-3888290
Fax: 086-5052478 Just Done Productions Website Just Done Productions books on

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Powered by PHPlist2.10.3, &copy tincan ltd

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Press Release: Stick Leader: RLI (Rhodesian Light Infantry) by Charlie Warren (BCR)

Just Done Publishing 

Just Done Productions is proud to announce the release of Stick Leader: RLI and the companion DVD.

Stick Leader: Rhodesian Light Infantry by Charlie Warren. Available from Just Done Productions R280.00 This is Charlie Warren's account of his service in the Rhodesian Light Infantry (RLI). A recipient of the Bronze Cross of Rhodesia (BCR), the author is highly qualified to tell this story. You will swept into a vacarious experience of the daily life of a member of this highly effective, elite unit that was involved in most of the hottest action during the Rhodesian war.

Charlie relates tales from his service with 3 Commando (The Lovers), RLI in their Fire Force role as well as of his (reluctant) qualification as a parachutist at 1 Parachute Battalion (SADF) and his further qualification as a despatcher.

His stories of barracks life are interesting and well written, but the stories of combat and operations are where the real talent of this author is evident. He takes you along with him in the K-Car, into contact on the ground. You feel the exhaustion and frustration of combat, the regret and sadness at the loss of comrades. As you share his experiences you will understand his conflicted feelings about his decision not to permit the execution of Robert Mugabe during the time of transition.

The book contains 322 A5 pages, with 10 in Full Colour and 24 black and white on Glossy paper and a companion DVD. It costs R280.00 (excluding shipping) when bought in South Africa from Just Done Productions ( A Hard-Cover version is also available for an extra R100.00.

Included in the price of the book is a companion DVD. This DVD has been produced by Memories of Rhodesia especially for sale with this book and is not available seperately.

 Footage on the DVD:

  1. The Saints - The Rhodesian Light Infantry
  2. Vigil - Defending Rhodesia
  3. A Farewell to Arms: The last RLI Parade
  4. Peace Dream (set to the music of Clem Tholet)

Vist Flame Lily books and Rhodesia was Super for international purchase options.

Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.
Just Done Productions cc
Cell: 083-3888290
Fax: 086-5052478 Just Done Productions Website Just Done Productions books on

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Powered by PHPlist2.10.3, &copy tincan ltd

Press Release: Stick Leader: RLI (Rhodesian Light Infantry) by Charlie Warren (BCR)

Just Done Publishing 

Just Done Productions is proud to announce the release of Stick Leader: RLI and the companion DVD.

Stick Leader: Rhodesian Light Infantry by Charlie Warren. Available from Just Done Productions R280.00 This is Charlie Warren's account of his service in the Rhodesian Light Infantry (RLI). A recipient of the Bronze Cross of Rhodesia (BCR), the author is highly qualified to tell this story. You will swept into a vacarious experience of the daily life of a member of this highly effective, elite unit that was involved in most of the hottest action during the Rhodesian war.

Charlie relates tales from his service with 3 Commando (The Lovers), RLI in their Fire Force role as well as of his (reluctant) qualification as a parachutist at 1 Parachute Battalion (SADF) and his further qualification as a despatcher.

His stories of barracks life are interesting and well written, but the stories of combat and operations are where the real talent of this author is evident. He takes you along with him in the K-Car, into contact on the ground. You feel the exhaustion and frustration of combat, the regret and sadness at the loss of comrades. As you share his experiences you will understand his conflicted feelings about his decision not to permit the execution of Robert Mugabe during the time of transition.

The book contains 322 A5 pages, with 10 in Full Colour and 24 black and white on Glossy paper and a companion DVD. It costs R280.00 (excluding shipping) when bought in South Africa from Just Done Productions ( A Hard-Cover version is also available for an extra R100.00.

Included in the price of the book is a companion DVD. This DVD has been produced by Memories of Rhodesia especially for sale with this book and is not available seperately.

 Footage on the DVD:

  1. The Saints - The Rhodesian Light Infantry
  2. Vigil - Defending Rhodesia
  3. A Farewell to Arms: The last RLI Parade
  4. Peace Dream (set to the music of Clem Tholet)

Vist Flame Lily books and Rhodesia was Super for international purchase options.

Just Done Productions - Publishing is a company located in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We pride ourselves on producing quality, professional press-ready manuscripts for publication. We offer a publication option that allows the author to publish without spending any of their own capital ... and yet to receive a professional service. Your manuscript can be turned into a book. Contact for more information.
Just Done Productions cc
Cell: 083-3888290
Fax: 086-5052478 Just Done Productions Website Just Done Productions books on